Colorado Springs
Photo: Mark B. Schlemmer / CC BY 2.0

According to a breaking piece from, “The nightmare at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic is over. Now comes the time to sort through the sad, sordid, alarming aftermath.” At Colorado Springs, the song remains the same, it would seem.

But will there really be a sorting? Or is the childish lashing-out of a maniacal monster bent on making known his discontent with the world by the premeditated and cold-blooded murder of people in public places something less of a phenomenon these days at it is a secondary mention to a Trump quip on the evening news?

The common denominator in every one of these acts being the death of innocents not withstanding, it would seem that another holds true and fast as they continuously mount the body count: that is that the cowardly killer, almost as though it were part of his plan, offs himself.

This time, the shooter, 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear, appears to have been taken in to custody, and the begging question at this point is that of his motive.

Can I start with saying who gives a shit what his motive was? Would anyone hold it against me if I thought it best to save hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars by having someone drop this son of a bitch off at my house and letting me put him in my Vermeer wood chipper feet first? Hell, my garden knows little difference of what kind of manure makes up its fertilizer. This piece of human excrement deserves neither mercy not anything less than very cruel and very unusually painful punishment, right? Our laws of the presumption of innocence of course not withstanding, surely I could find very few who disparage the raw sentiment.

But I digress. Motive is crucial in murder cases, and perhaps to obtain a conviction it must be established. Taking this line of thinking a step further, would there perhaps be any merit in spending a bit of time getting inside this guy’s head to ascertain his stated motive, sane or otherwise?

Because this is not a random or indifferent occurrence, folks. The mass killing of innocents in this fashion is so prevalent that it could be deemed pandemic, and from a purely clinical point of view, shouldn’t those things, pandemic or epidemic as it were, be placed under some analysis?

What is this sickness that has befallen us that among us are those who would carry out such horror with malice and no remorse? But even further, what is this tolerance we as a society have developed whereby we accept these things as though they resembled in the slightest the risks we take daily and accept as part of living?

I am told that one has more of a chance of being killed in a car accident than being killed by a gunman in a theater. And to those who purport such as consolation and reassurance that this in not in fact a pandemic problem, a whole-hearted encouragement do I extend to thee to shut the front door.

I do not feel one bit assuaged by the knowledge that everyday life and existence is dangerous. I already knew that, thanks. Tell me, oh wise ones, has it occurred to you that by this litmus it is not if but when this will happen to you or a loved one? That by the law of averages the day will come when we see a gunman cut loose in our own town? Like St. George perhaps?

If you think this is too far-fetched, you need only look back a little more than a year at the siege in Bunkerville to know that such maniacal lunatics with the armor of self-importance and self-righteousness stand at the ready to make you die for their cause.

You heard that right: make you die for THEIR cause.

Because these cowards never put their lives on the line for anything.

So why the rant?

Because I am sick and f*@&ing tired of this. I want to see something done about it besides the carte blanche dismissal of the problem in the name of protecting an amendment that a gross majority of those who tout it do not understand.

This week, and mark my words on this, two things will happen. Some will call for senseless legislation to do the insurmountable, which is to control or ban guns. The others will swing from the complete opposite side and deny any problem exists at all as they clutch white-knuckled to their bibles, bullets, and ARs. And in the meantime, not a damn thing will be done about it. Not a sensible conversation will be had. The only thing that will be absolutely certain is that it will happen again.

God help us.

See you out there.

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  1. To borrow from Jon Palfreyman’s Feb 21 NY Times piece…now that biomedical science has mapped the human genome, the next frontier will be the brain. How does a three pound lump of mostly fatty tissue allow us to walk, talk, create, learn, plan, love and even hate. So, yes the idea of studying this pond scum to learn what we can as a move toward preventing future occurrences does have merit. However, it would require keeping him out of the wood chipper for a while.

  2. What’s next? A Mad Human spiking the supplies at the supermarket with poison? ‘BAND the Supermarkets’ I say (or) not allow mad men to shop at local food stores without a note from their doctor.
    You know there will be something else besides the evil guns to point at when they are band.
    Enjoyed your current thoughts on the subject Mr. Hyland but wish you would expand your scope of the human problem and not at a object.
    Sick Jihadist wanting to enter our country and your pointing out how evil a AR15 is. Hello?

  3. Dallas says two things will happen. There is at least a third — some wackos are already saying that the baby killers at Planned Parenthood had it coming. The problem is that the wackos breed, vote and own guns. Most are harmless but a small number might decide to get their 15 minutes of fame. Knowing the motive of the Colorado Springs terrorist may help in profiling potential future terrorists. Dallas is right that there will be no sensible conversation — just more of the on-going shouting match.

  4. Home grown American Terrorist egged on by Teabagger rhetoric spewed forth from the Republican clown car. About as gut wrenchingly pathetic as it gets.

  5. First off – GREAT COMMENTS ABOVE…. and Dallas – you hit it out of the park with this article. I AGREE, THERE IS A PANDEMIC. This was not the case back in the sixties and seventies, or eighties for that matter. It is OUR DUTY to drill down into this guys mind and figure out his motivation. Is there a connection to withdrawal from Anti Depressants and psychotropic drugs? Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters was on LUVOX. Also note by searching google, what the UK did in response to anti depressants and teens, due to an epidemic of suicides. I don’t want to demonize anti depressants, but this is an example of why we need to dig down to the root cause. SEE BELOW:
    Jeff Weise, age 16, Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Chris Fetters, age 13, Christopher Pittman, age 12, Kip Kinkel, age 15, Luke Woodham, age 16, A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed stand off at his school, Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another, Elizabeth Bush, age 13, Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California, Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, ETC… on an on… AND THAT IS NOT EVEN HALF…. The suicide list is not even mentioned and goes on and on as well…… DO YOU THINK ADULTS CAN BE AFFECTED BY THESE DRUGS IN THE SAME WAY AS CHILDREN? Maybe the Scientologists that are against these drugs know something we don’t – Poor Tom Cruz being laughed at. FOOLs CAN ELIvate – and VINCIT OMNIA VERITAS… Please don’t kill me BIG PHARMA… this is only a comment section… 🙂


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