Amazing Earthfest celebrates National Trails DayThe 11th annual Amazing Earthfest will take place May 14–20 in the Kanab area and northern Arizona. Four hikes, three bike rides, and a trail cleanup event titled “Six Miles of Splendor” are planned for the 2017 Amazing Earthfest, and each one is listed on the American Hiking Society national database as a National Trails Day event. While National Trails Day itself will be celebrated on June 3, events taking place within a few weeks of that date can qualify for listing.

Amazing Earthfest National Trails Day events include a hike to Lick Wash on the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, a hike to a dinosaur track site with a paleontologist, a hike to a Native American rock art site with an archaeologist from the BLM Kanab Field Office District, and a hike exploring Armijo’s Old Spanish Trail alternatives in the Box of Paria Canyon. Biking events include a 35-mile ride into the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, a mountain-biking trail in Arizona, and another in Utah, including two new routes recently constructed in Kanab.

Each year in early June, the American Hiking Society connects people across the nation with the great outdoors through its National Trails Day activities. The organization represents millions of hikers who believe that the preservation of hiking trails and their environments is important and a worthwhile legacy to leave future generations.

Founded in 1976, American Hiking Society promotes and protects foot trails and their surrounding natural areas. The organization claims that foot trails and hiking are essential to connect people with nature, conserve open space, provide biological corridors for diverse plants and wildlife, and help Americans of all ages improve and maintain their health as well as the environment. Muscle-powered sports like hiking, cycling, paddling, horseback riding, and trail running are included among the listed activities scheduled across the U.S. for 2017 National Trails Day.

More information is available at

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