write letter to the editor

Do you have a burning opinion about something and wish you could vent your thoughts? Maybe something one of the staff writers at The Independent published really got you fired up. There’s a lot going on out there–from local to global–and we know you have opinions on it. So write a letter to the editor.

The Independent welcomes letters to the editor on any and all current news topics. Send your letters to the editor to [email protected] with “Letter to the editor” in the subject line, and we will be glad to consider them for publication on our website and also in our monthly print newspaper. Be sure to include your name, city and a contact phone number with your submission in case we need to reach you for any reason. Letters will not be printed without a name and city of residence.

The Independent is additionally always on the lookout for new voices to add to our network of paid opinion writers. If your written voice is strong, and you have a good grasp of current issues and topics, we want to hear from you! Send a query and writing samples to [email protected] with “Interested in writing opinions” in the subject line, and we’d be glad to talk with you about joining our writer ranks. Be sure to include your contact information.

Happy writing, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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