cartoon Claytoonz Clay Jones Pope vs. TrumpFrom cartoonist Clay Jones on “Pope vs. Trump,” protecting the Vatican from ISIS, and how just about everyone is apparently — allegedly — a Christian

Just when you think campaign 2016 can’t get any crazier, Donald Trump enters a feud with the Pope. The Pope. Pope Francis. The guy who lives in the Vatican. Yeah, that Pope.

You can create a who’s who list of everyone Donald Trump has feuded with — Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Rosie O’Donnell, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Univision, Mark Cuban, Jon Stewart, Cher — but the Pope? Pope Francis was asked a question about Trump on his journey home from Mexico. The Pope said, “A person who thinks only about building walls — wherever they may be — and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

Trump shot back “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful,” Trump said. “No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.” At least he didn’t call him a disgusting loser or a pig. It is funny for Trump to scream about having his religion questioned when he’s done the same to others. He also said the Pope would pray for a Trump presidency if ISIS ever attacked the Vatican. I think there’s a lot of us who will pray if we have a Trump presidency … and I don’t even believe in God.

I join others who don’t want to question an individual’s religion. I think it’s very vulgar the way Republicans have questioned Obama’s religion. I do believe Donald Trump is a Christian. So is Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, etc. What one can argue is, “Are they good Christians?” Are they Christian-like?

Advocating racist policies and calling people murderers and rapists … well, those are not Christian-like.

I don’t care about a politician’s religion. I do care when they put their religion before the job they were elected to perform. I care if they don’t believe in the separation of church and state. I care if they state, as Ted Cruz recently said, “I’m a Christian first and an American second.” That’s fine and well. Go be a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, or a total Pagan first … just stay out of my government. I’m not interested in your theocracy.

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