Cartoon: “Mitt for Senate”

By Chad Ginsburg, Skroder ComicsCartoon: "Mitt for Senate" By Chad Ginsburg, Skroder Comics

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  1. Wow, a conservative political cartoon. Funny how that works. This could be on Breitbart and there would be consensus. Now that is to cool, finally WE ALL AGREE.

    • Since taking up the sole editorial position here in January, I have worked to try to bring some balance to The Independent. I myself am a libertarian moderate who leans slightly to the left, and I see good and bad arguments on both sides of the aisle. Therefore, I’m more interested in encouraging discussion rather than merely promoting a one-sided perspective as the other local publications do. Rather, I intend to see the Independent to grow to be the voice for Utah that it claims as its vision, not just for one political sector of Utah. Paul Snover and Chad Ginsburg, who comprise Skroder Comics, are two fantastic cartoonists in Colorado who present conservative points of view in a thoughtful and engaging way that makes for a nice counterpoint to Clay Jones’ CNN-drunk cartoons, less than half of which we even publish as they so often border on, or even cross over into, being surreal leftist propaganda. You can look forward to more from Skroder Comics the future.


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