Cartoon New York ValuesFrom cartoonist Clay Jones on “New York Values,” geography lessons, and how Ted Cruz insulted an entire state

Leave it to Ted Cruz to make Donald Trump look and sound like a statesman. What happens if Cruz becomes president? Will he make Kim Jong Un look like Churchill?

In an attempt to defuse Trump’s attack on his eligibility to be president — since Cruz was born in Canada — Cruz warned Republican voters that Trump has “New York values.” This guy, who wants to lead the United States, has totally disrespected one of the states and its entire population.

It seems if someone’s to be warned about something being from New York, that something is salsa or barbecue. Not a person. And sure, half of the country hates the Yankees. But to hate a person because of where they’re from?

While Ted tells us what an expert he is on the Constitution, he needs to learn up on geography. New York is in the United States. Calgary is not.

If there’s only one city that can take a hit like it did on 9/11 and grow stronger, that city is New York City. New York is tough. New York is multicultural. New York is a melting pot. You can stereotype any city or state, and each and every single one is more complex than a black-and-white stigma.

New York values are embodied by firefighters rushing up the stairs of a building that can fall down any second so they can save as many lives as possible. In total, 343 firefighters, 60 policemen, and eight medics died instantly when those buildings fell down on Sept. 11, 2001.

New York values. Ted Cruz could use some.

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