Oregon militants wishlistFrom cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘Militant Wishlist,’ the lack of preparation of the Oregon militants, and the lack of Sean Penn’s journalist credentials

I really wanted to include tampons — which is actually on the militants’ wishlist — but I was afraid that would scare off newspapers from running this cartoon.

The anti-government gun nuts occupying the federal bird sanctuary in Oregon have sent out a wishlist. On the list is stuff like underwear, blankets, hot dogs, radios and tampons. They’re also asking for cigarettes and money. It sounds like they weren’t prepared at all for their takeover.

Meanwhile, before El Chapo was captured, actor Sean Penn got to interview him in person. This has angered a lot of people who believe Sean Penn shouldn’t be hanging out with the leader of a drug cartel who’s one of the most wanted men in the world.

Those who are most offended are Mexican journalists. Drug cartels have killed journalists in Mexico. Sean Penn’s interview for Rolling Stone is a slap in their face as El Chapo got final approval of the article before it was printed. That’s a luxury I doubt Rolling Stone has ever extended to Pearl Jam.

Sean Penn is not a journalist, and with practices like this, Rolling Stone is losing any credibility it had left as a source of journalism.

From claytoonz.com

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