condor Zion National Park non-lead ammunition
Image: Tristan Bowersox / CC BY 2.0

One condor died in Zion National Park, and now everyone is supposed to use non-lead ammunition when recreationally blasting other animals to smithereens — because lead might hurt another animal.

Lordy, I wish I were making this up.

Clearly, I’m not a conservationist. Species going extinct is sad, but no species lasts forever, and the world is always changing. My acceptance of that fact of life doesn’t mean that I want any species to go extinct. But when a society has become so callous and stupid as to not give a shit about the actual individual beings yet gets all up in arms because certain kinds might not exist anymore, it almost indicates a pathological detachment from reality.

For starters, shooting an animal for fun is simply unethical. It’s immoral. That much is inarguable. Add to this the fact that we live in a culture that is hypnotized by garbled Judeo-Christian rhetoric, and then look a little closer to see that Jesus preached compassion and nonviolence — and even closer yet to see that the Word of Wisdom dictates that everyone should essentially be vegetarian unless a state of crisis demands that people kill animals for meat to survive. Now zoom back out and look around to see people within that same culture shooting animals just for the hell of it.

But one carrion feeder keels over and we’re all on red alert.

Of course, I would argue that if one can save the life of a sentient being, he or she should try to. However, before spending god only knows what resources to save this condor, why would we not first stop eating chickens, pigs, cows, horses, kangaroos, dolphins, extraterrestrials, and whatever else goes into the deregulated processed meats the public just can’t stop eating? That would be really cheap and easy — hell, it would be almost incalculably beneficial on multiple levels — and it would save millions of precious little birdie lives. For free.

Let me put this in perspective for you: Condor probably tastes like chicken. It might be a little gamey, but bread it and fry it and it’ll be just as good as any … McWhatever people eat.

I’ll never understand why it is so important to preserve this species while the systematic and wholesale slaughter of billions of others (in ways that would curl the toes of the most hardened horror enthusiast) not only goes on but is literally funded on a daily basis by some the very people who are carrying on about condors and non-lead ammunition.

I wish I could say that it’s a good idea to stop using lead ammunition to take the lives of other creatures for shits and giggles … wait, no I don’t. I’m glad to be sane enough that I can’t.

Stop shooting animals for fun. Stop shooting animals for food unless you have literally no other possible way to feed yourself. Just stop shooting animals, period.

Or keep it up, but know that as a serial killer you thereby permanently lose the right to bitch and moan about any silly religious nonsense ever again.

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  1. And people really can’t make this small change for the benefit of other creatures? You’ve got to use lead ammunition? Are we just raising a bunch of selfish individuals who don’t care about anything but themselves and can’t spend a few more bucks for better ammunition? Seems the case. Hunting will continue. People won’t stop shooting other creatures because that’s apparently what some people must do. But, please, if you must do it, at least use ammunition that won’t harm creatures we’re trying to sustain on the face of this planet. I’d prefer to have no hunting but to say we should not worry about the condors because we’re shooting other animals, many that proliferate and are not at risk as is the condor, makes little sense to me.

  2. This must be satire. Or do you truly not understand why people would value a condor more than a chicken that they serve up on their dinner table? The fact that people care about species at risk of extinction may be baffling to you, but I can assure you, you are the only one around here who “suffers from a pathological detachment from reality”. The last thing I would expect anyone to get outraged about is a request from condor conservationists asking hunters to refrain using lead bullets. And yet here we are. But looking at the rest of the drivel you serve up on these pages, I guess outrage is what you are all about.


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