CP time political cartoon Hillary Clinton Bill de Blasio

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Stupid People Time,” Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton’s “CP time” joke, and the Oompa Loompa lobby

There’s one really good rule for white people when it comes to telling a joke about black people. Don’t. Since this particular example is from a “black” joke, let’s not overlook that it’s probably not cool to ever make jokes about any race. Hey, while you’re at it, how about cutting it out with the gay jokes? And to all those conservatives sharing their favorite transgender bathroom joke on Facebook this week, you’re a clear example of why conservatives aren’t ever funny. Well, not intentionally. Ted Cruz once brought a lawsuit to stop sex toys from being sold in Texas, and that’s pretty funny.

You can call it political correctness not to make racist, homophobic, sexist, or misogynistic jokes. I just think it’s not being a jerk. If your sophistication and taste in humor hasn’t advanced beyond that of a high school sophomore, you probably shouldn’t be discussing politics … or running for the presidency.

Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio did a little skit where he referenced “CP Time.” That’s slang for “colored people” time. He was referring to his delay in endorsing Clinton and what “CP” actually meant was “Cautious Politician.” They are catching some hell.

Sometimes a joke is so good harmless enough that it’s worth the risk. This was not that joke. It wasn’t a good joke. It wasn’t funny. It was cringe-worthy. When I draw a cartoon that I know is going to offend people and even be somewhat dangerous, I make sure it’s making a good point … or at least really funny. Yeah, that joke didn’t do any of that. It really wasn’t worth it.

Obama made a colored people time joke once. But Obama can do that. If you don’t know why, you are an idiot.

I don’t care if you have the black vote, black friends, black kids, or a black wife or if you dated blacks, watched “Roots” 17 times, or are Rachel Dolezal. White people should not tell black jokes. And I’m whiter than any of you, so take my word for it.

Clinton and de Blasio are not racists. They committed a sin that most white people will commit at some point in their lives, usually more than once. They are so comfortable with African Americans that they relaxed to the point they think it’s OK to make that joke. They believe they’ll get a free pass. I don’t think they actually offended anyone but instead shocked the audience at their stupidity. They made people cringe and shake their heads. Now if it had been funny and had a point, things might be different.

Oompa Loompas, on the other hand, have a very poor lobby, so making fun of Donald Trump’s chosen skin tone is still OK.

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