Trump is in boiling water he himself boiled
Photo: Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0

Donald Trump is in boiling water and coming under some pretty heavy fire for some things in his past that are rearing their heads, namely the allegations of inappropriate or possibly even illegal behavior towards women.

Being clear here however, these are allegations. Not convictions. In fact, save the possibility of a court appearance in one case in New York early December, there has not even been a probable cause statement generated, which means that he is to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

It’s interesting to note how the proponents for his presidency seem little aware of that presumption of innocence when it comes to their adamant assertions that Hillary Clinton is a rampant law breaker, because she also has been charged with nothing.

But there is one looming fact in Trump’s case that is unavoidable even by his own admission: the recorded statements made in an interview in 2005 whereby he braggadociously laments in vivid detail how he uses his power and position to force himself upon women.

His own explanation was that it was mere locker-room talk, and his apology notwithstanding, he admits to having done it. He just did not say to whom.

It should be noted here that the locker-room excuse is insulting to all men who have been in a locker room of any kind as it attempts to conflate sexual talk with talk of sexual assault. One is crude and likely not appropriate, but the other is a crime.

It really should come as no surprise to anyone that in light of these statements, people, especially women, are coming forward not necessarily to charge him but to for sure confirm his own admissions.

Trump denies allegations one and all, and this is absolutely his right, but he takes it a step further when he blames the media for reporting it, stating that it is a bias against him. He even goes as far as to threaten a libel suit on the New York Times. The Times rebuttal letter is tantamount to a dare, however, as they welcome him to have a court set him straight on matters of the First Amendment.

When I started as a journalist here in St. George, I worked for St. George News as a columnist and reporter, and one of my first beats was covering the city council meetings.

I penned a few columns over a year or so on things like the city’s questionable purchase of the downtown carousel, their involvement in the Lake Powell Pipeline, and the unethical business dealings regarding council members and the airport.

I was attending the 2011 Clean Air Summit when I met then-mayor Dan McArthur. He shook my hand and gave what I believed to be a sincere compliment on my work and added, “You’re being awful hard on my city council.”

I told him that one, I thought his choice of words calling it “his” council was interesting but that in point of fact I was not being hard on them at all. I was doing my job in reporting the things they said and did, something mind you that previously was a little scant at best in this town.

The point is that any elected or appointed official, of all people, should understand fully the necessity of the Fourth Estate for keeping the citizenry informed. Furthermore, any elected or appointed official that would seek to quench or denounce such informing invites a closer look as to why and likely does not understand how this whole democracy thing works.

Donald Trump is in hot water that he himself boiled. He is his own worst advocate by the things he himself says.

And in this case, he himself, by bragging the way he did, admitted to forcing himself upon women. By his own words, this happened, and he thought not only was it OK but that the person he was talking to should try it, too.

This means that by his own words, he did this.

Stop with this nonsense about the press trying to condemn him. Please.

See you out there.

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Dallas Hyland
Dallas Hyland is a professional technical writer, freelance writer and journalist, award-winning photographer, and documentary filmmaker. As a senior writer and editor-at-large at The Independent, Hyland’s investigative journalism, opinion columns, and photo essays have ranged in topics from local political and environmental issues to drug trafficking in Utah. He has also worked the international front, covering issues such as human trafficking in Colombia. His photography and film work has received recognition as well as a few modest awards and in 2015, he was a finalist for the Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. Based in southern Utah, he works tirelessly at his passion for getting after the truth and occasionally telling a good story. On his rare off-days, he can be found with his family and friends exploring the pristine outdoors of Utah and beyond.


  1. According to my sense data (see the philosopher Kant for the definition of sense data) Trump is condemned. I agree with your point he is his own worst enemy. As far as the press is concerned that is a different story. They have misused the trust of the American people. Even the Independent with the valiant exception of Jason G. has provided a one sided slant that seems to repeat the same points OVER & OVER AGAIN. As far as this election is concerned the press is on a bad acid trip – and based on actual facts, that’s right, facts, has overstepped its authority and defiled the fourth estate. I trust the Wikileaks source data not what I see on TV. The election is over. Nothing new about Trump. It is over. While you focus on the same repetitive Trump meme you disregard the facts pertaining to real data and what is in fact real news. News is derived from the word NEW. Nothing new here Mr Hyland, same old same old as last week. Good luck, I guess as a reporter, covering the Hillary scandal will have to wait until after the election. I’m sorry to say, Trump won’t be the only designated loser. The 4th Estate is losing its foundation. Where are the Ed Murrows of this world? Perhaps trapped in an Ecuadorian Embassy in London due to TRUMPED up charges in Sweeden. God Bless the USA.

    • Well put Sir. The days of Walter Cronkite being the most trusted man in America are long gone. Media is just about the Benjamin’s not about informing the public. “We the People” deserve better than this.

  2. Ed Murrow took a side against McCarthyism. Walter Cronkite took a stand against Vietnam.

    From whence cometh this notion that because an opinion columnist asserts some facts and opines on them, that journalism and the fourth estate are now on the outs?

    With all respect, you sound like you have bought into the Faux news paradigm of fair and balance. I will be neither.

    See you out there and thank you as always for reading.

    Dallas Hyland
    Senior Writer/Columnist/Photo Editor
    Southern Utah Independent

  3. As far as the fourth estate, the reference is to the current mass media. 24:1 ratio of coverage time of Trump vs Hillary issues is one example. CNN surely has put in less than 15 min on Donnna Brazille. I could go on. Take the Electric Koolaid Trump Media test located on CGlist -rants. I watch as many media outlets as possible. Even RT tv, NHK, China news, and the BBC. Fox is just one of many. Good luck, I am a fan. You have balls as shown by allowing feedback. But I want to see what you have to say about Hillary. Oh, and I watch Bill Maher too. THE Left wing bows to him as if he were a GOD. See his show with Julian Assange a month or so ago. Take the test, I dare you. Good luck, somebody has to maintain balance.


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