Instead of overturning instruction regarding homosexuality, Methodist delegates voted to return to following Christ and stop following the culture.
Instead of overturning instruction regarding homosexuality, Methodist delegates voted to return to following Christ and stop following the culture.

Methodists decide to believe the Bible

Recently, the United Methodist Church held a denomination meeting in St. Louis, and the outcome for Christians was almost as momentous as the lifting of the siege of Vienna in 1683.

The threat to Christendom at Vienna was external. An Islamic army of Ottoman Turks was knocking on the door to Central Europe until the attack was broken by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I.

For the Methodists, the threat was internal. A coalition of alphabet-apostates thought they were on the cusp of overturning thousands of years of instruction regarding homosexuality. The goal was to have the United Methodist Church endorse homosexual marriage and practicing homosexual pastors.

Delegates voted on three options. The “Simple Plan” was essentially let it all hang out. Any language in the Methodist Book of Discipline that reflected the Bible’s clear instruction on homosexuality (the Washington Post reporter called it “exclusionary language”) was to be removed, and the good times would roll.

The “One Church Plan” was endorsed by craven Methodist denominational “leadership” and a grab-bag of therapeutic Christians who place feelings ahead of theology. This hypocritical approach let church leaders continue to ignore congregations violating the Book of Discipline. As long as the money keeps flowing into HQ, the “leadership” was fine with these hotbeds of heresy.

The last option was the “Traditional Plan.” That choice would return the Methodists to faithfully following Jesus and Scripture as regards homosexuality.

It looked as bad for the Methodists as it did for the Viennese.

In a supreme irony, the alphabet soup alternate lifestyle advocates used a message to persuade delegates that was Biblically based. They asked the same question that the serpent used in the Garden of Eden asked: “Did God really say that?”

The Methodist delegates answered, “yes.”

There are a number of ways the media could report on this surprising development. One would to follow the headline of this column: “In an upset, the United Methodist Church Decides to Believe the Bible.” That covers the element of surprise and the Methodist’s return to their foundational belief regarding homosexuality.

Or the reporter could have focused on demographics and how African churches provided the votes to carry the Traditional Plan and what this means for the direction of the denomination in the future.

Instead, the Washington Post choose the equivalent of “Christian bullies pick on innocent homosexuals.” For their story, only one person was interviewed who wasn’t part of the alphabet army, and he was asked about statistics. Other interviewees were ”victims of intolerance.”

That’s false, because Christians aren’t singling out the consonant crusaders with “hate” and rejection. How can one explain the vote to the irreligious chroniclers of “what’s happen” now at the WoePost?

How about this? WoePost owner Jeff Bezos decides to go to church. He has three options, two of which would meet with disapproval.

If lover boy shows up at the sanctuary with his adulterous squeeze instead of his wife, he’s not going to be welcome. If Bezos shows up with the squeeze and his wife, he’s not going to be welcome. But if Jeff appears with only his wife, the congregation will assume they’re working on the marriage and accept them both.

Christian churches don’t encourage anyone who demonstrates an open rebellion against God while in the pew.

This entire effort on the part of the alternate-lifestyle, alternate-Bible cabal was entirely political and not religious. As Kermit Rainman explains, “…homosexual activists and their allies know that the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic found in the Bible is the last bastion of defense holding back the widespread embrace of homosexuality throughout the culture. They understand that if Bible-believing Christians and Jews can be convinced that homosexual behavior is no longer sinful in God’s eyes, then the battle to fully implement their political and social goals will be won.”

Rewriting the Bible is a project of the left, and it is purely secular and wholly selfish. St. Louis Heretics were easy to spot with their rainbow bandanas, Black Lives Matter t-shirts, “Justice for All” buttons, feminist slogans, and raised fists when the vote didn’t go their way.

Fortunately, Methodist delegates voted to return to following Christ and stop following the culture.

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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Michael Shannon
Michael R. Shannon is a public relations and advertising consultant with corporate, government and political experience around the globe. He is a dynamic, entertaining and funny keynote speaker for political, corporate, non–profit and governmental organizations. In addition to his speaking and consulting, Shannon is the author of A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now With Added Humor!) As consultant to The Israel Project, he has made a number of trips to Israel where he worked closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their efforts to promote a positive image of Israel. Shannon has also conducted media and message training workshops for MFA and Israeli Defense Forces spokespersons along with representatives of various non–governmental organizations. During the UN Court trial in The Hague, Shannon worked closely with the MFA in its international media outreach. Shannon teaches message development, crisis communication and public relations for The University of Tennessee – Chattanooga Command College, conducts the political advertising and message section of The University of Virginia's Sorenson Institute and he lectures on message development, politics for the Institute of Political Leadership. He is a regular speaker on political commercials, crisis communication and public relations for Campaigns & Elections magazine. He has also addressed the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, National League of Cities, conducted seminars for Information Management and The University of Arkansas – Little Rock and performed as the keynote speaker for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Shannon’s client list includes SAIC; United National Congress (Trinidad & Tobago); Royal Castle, Ltd.; New Generation Imaging; Dry–Clean Depot; Texas Medical Assn.; American Medical Assn.; American Medical Assn. PAC; Indiana State Police Alliance; Minneapolis Federation of Police; St. Paul Police Federation; Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance; The Peterson Companies; Gleaning for the World; various political candidates and elected officials. The work Shannon has done in the radio and television arena has been recognized for both creativity and effectiveness. He is a multiple first place winner in the American Association of Political Consultants Pollie awards. Shannon won back–to–back first place Silver Microphone awards for radio commercials. He is a three–time winner of the prestigious Gold statue at the Houston International Film Festival. Shannon won first place in the Vision Awards for television. He has also won consecutive Silver Microphone awards for best campaign.


  1. Dear Mr. Shannon.
    I am very impressed with the enormous list of accomplishments you have so kindly shared with us humble readers of your opinion article. I would consider it akin to touting your no doubt very impressive IQ to all who might be interested.

    I do have a couple of questions for you regarding your positive opinion of Methodists voting to returning to the Bible. One has to do with Adam and Eve in Genesis. Is it not written that God decided that Adam needed a partner with a soul, as all other animal creations supposedly lacked a soul, and therefore God created Eve from Adam’s rib?

    If your answer is yes that would indicate both Adam and Eve were identical clones. Therefore both were males and could not reproduce any other human. If they attempted to do so, that would have been homosexual sodomy.

    Have a nice day!
    Rick Miller PhD

  2. Was eve not female,was she a male because she was not formed from the dust like Adam,so God was male Adam was male,so because she was born out of Adams ribs ,God made her like Adam a human a helper to Adam but she didn’t need female parts to bear children, or have sex as they only need to look after the garden ,and have each other, so lam confused , if she isn’t female ,but male ,then that makes them both Gay, but the churches say it’s wrong to be gay, please help me lam a Christian woman, and trying to find a church that l can go to in Wollongong Australia to seek Gods truth not mans.


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