The gift of presenceWritten by George Scott

The Christmas Season is a magical time of year and yet, it can be rather stressful when trying to determine how to provide presents without financial ability. In my attempt to determine what I have to give, I realized something remarkable; but before I get into that, I have a confession to make. I am a BIG FAT FAKE! I deplore hypocrisy and its shades of lying, deceit, and untrustworthiness. Guess what? I discovered I am one—a hypocrite. Not intentionally, but one, just the same. Allow me to explain.

I mentioned being a dreamer and believer in a community of connected people. I’d like to see us become more than just neighbors and friends associated by geographical proximity. I dream and believe in something more, something deeper, than just a community of friends and interested parties. Call me a hippie, a Jesus Freak, Christian, or any other name you find fitting (believe me, I have been called far worse than you will likely call me); but, I believe we can love one another. We can reach out and be invested in one another. Maybe, if it is easier to accept, call it the Golden Rule and treat others as you want to be treated. Perhaps, we could update it and establish the Platinum Rule and treat others how they want to be treated. I mean, really, isn’t that truly loving another?

I have a propensity for being an idealist, but don’t always manifest my dreams to fruition. Often, the dream gets stuck as a concept rather than a lifestyle. The outpouring and response to my first article was nearly overwhelming. I heard from people I have never met as they shared their stories and circumstances openly and without reservation. We exchanged dialogue and connected our souls. We reached to each other with an extended hand, a shoulder, an open ear, and a boost. Our worlds were both expanded and condensed in the same moment.

Guess what else happened? I heard from many people I do know. People I call friends and do things with on a regular basis. You know what? There were multiple people in this category that shared experiences they have gone through, or are going through, that I had no idea about. Why is that? Why didn’t I know? I consider myself a reasonably adept observer and listener. Somehow, I missed this part about them, my friends. It was a great eye opener for me. If I am sincere in this dream of being in a community that is connected–I better plug in a little tighter myself.

Am I so caught up in doing my own thing that I could miss something so important? Are people afraid to share some of these details? I imagine there is some combination of both. I hope this will change, and I am committed to offering a place in which this notion of community can flourish. See, I think we need to dismantle the walls and shed the protective armor. Build a place where masks are not needed and can be removed without shame as we create a safe haven for being vulnerable. We need to provide a place where we can nurture and nourish one another.

What if we quit simply wishing, dreaming, and longing for change and just take a step and do it? Rather than waiting for everything to be optimal, planning endlessly, and waiting for others to join, what if, as individuals, we implemented the dreams we contemplate? Perhaps I am not entirely the hypocrite I first identified with. Maybe, it is that I was simply blind to what was plainly hidden in front of me. Now that my eyes and awareness have been opened to receive it, I have the opportunity to choose what to do about it.

Christmas ListHere we are full swing into the Christmas Season and within a short few days of the big day. You know the one, right? The one that has that name in it. No, not Santamas — Christmas, silly. Look, I understand many of you might not believe or even care to discuss Christ. Though, possibly more open to doing so this time of year than the other months and seasons. Regardless of your reasoning, I would like to implore you to reach out this season and love one another.

Do you know your neighbor? Do you know their name? What they do? What if we all reached out just one home to the left and one to the right further than we know now? It could be the ones living right next to you or a block down the road. Will you accept the challenge to expand your community by extending your hospitality and get to know two more households this Christmas Season? Are you willing to change the world by expanding yours just ever so slightly? Maybe this year we could give fewer material gifts and simply offer a little more of ourselves.

We all are busy and have much to concentrate on. Being a single dad, maintaining two jobs, commuting to care for my son and his family in Salt Lake City as he undergoes cancer treatment, nurturing a long distance relationship with a significant other, exercising, dancing, enjoying friends, and having personal time, all while also writing and sharing the journey keeps me heavily occupied. However, we are equally given the same 24 hours each day. How we choose to spend and fill them says a great deal about what is important to us. Our priorities will dictate what we allow to occupy our time.
This year, my present to others is going to be my presence.
Make it count.

George ScottGeorge Scott is a man of many talents and careers. Currently he is an aspiring artist in the art of communication, building community, and connecting. Although he has formal educational training, he prefers to learn his life lessons from the school of hard knocks. He is currently working on a third bachelors degree in rebuilding, rejuvenating and inspiring others. George can be found as the man on the street happily making new friends and sharing his wealth with the world. If you would like to contact him email [email protected]

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