Tips for healthy road tripsBy Melanie Jewkes

Summertime is a great time for road trips. In Utah, there are many wide, vast stretches of highway between destinations, and most stops are at gas stations and tourist attractions that are known to stock sugary drinks, candies, sweets, and salty snacks. It’s not always easy to eat healthy foods while on the road, or any vacation for that matter, but it can be done. Consider these tips.

Pack a small cooler with easy-to-eat healthy snacks such as the following:

—Apples. Be aware of agriculture check points that won’t allow fruit to pass through, including the border into California and other locations. Buy fruit after passing through.

—Whole-grain crackers.

—Trail mix and dried fruit.

—Hummus and pre-cut veggies like carrots, radishes, snap peas, and bell peppers.

—Celery and individual-sized containers of peanut butter (check the peanut butter aisle for 1–2 tablespoon packages). Pretzels also can be dipped in peanut butter for an easy snack.

—Whole-grain bread, peanut butter, and jam.

Remember to include wet wipes and garbage bags for easy clean up.

Take refillable water bottles to save cooler space and to avoid purchasing sugary beverages. They can also help you save money on buying beverages. Refill the bottles each time you stop for gas and restroom breaks.

When eating out, seek healthier options such as fruit cups or slices, wraps, salads, rice and veggie bowls, and whole-grain options for breads, tortillas, and rice.

Use a navigation app on your smartphone to look for restaurants near you beyond the ones connected to gas stations when stopping to refuel. Consider non-burger fast food restaurants for variety and possibly healthier options, such as the following:

—Sandwich restaurants where you could split a larger sandwich with a family member and load up on the veggies options.

—Chinese food places, which often have more choices of veggies than other fast food restaurants.

—Mexican food places where you can look for beans and rice and veggie options, but remember to eat less of the high-fat fried foods.

—Pita and wrap restaurants, which also offer fresh veggie options, but beware of high-calorie sauces.

Make farmers markets a destination around meal times. This is a great way to taste some of the local foods and culture. Most markets have more than just produce, so enjoy many other vendors selling fresh breads, homemade tamales, side salads, and more. Plus, you’ll get to move and stretch your legs after all that driving.

Visit grocery stores or local bakeries at your destination to buy meals and/or replenish your healthy snack cooler. Consider whole-grain muffins, fruit, and instant oatmeal packets you can make with hot water from gas stations or hotel room coffeemakers.

Plan moving time. Search for places along the way for walking, hiking, biking, or swimming adventures to break up driving time and get your body moving. It might take a little extra time, but together with choosing varieties of fruits and veggies, moving your body will help you feel more energized, help you sleep better, and help keep you regular.

Make gas and restroom breaks physical activity breaks. Walk, run, dance, or do yoga or stretches. You could even have races with the family. Consider ordering your meals to go and heading to a picnic spot at a local park to enjoy fresh air and more opportunities to move your body.

Save treats for events and special destinations of your trip. This will save your car from sugary, sticky spills and melts and also help reduce calories consumed.

Plan nonfood activities in the car to pass time and to avoid the snacking from boredom. Listen to audiobooks the whole car can enjoy, make videos of the family rocking out to a favorite song, sketch Picasso-like portraits of each other without looking at the paper, play “I Spy” or bingo, or read books and articles about the history of places you’re going to visit.

Melanie Jewkes is a Utah State University Extension family and consumer sciences faculty member.

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