Why the Lake Powell pipeline is good and will make us all rich
So there’s been so much talk over the past decade in regards to the building of a 150-mile pipeline from Lake Powell into Washington County.
Many opponents believe it a boondoggle and that it will cost residents in increased taxes, water rates, and fees, but I’m here to tell you that that’s not the case. The reality is that we will all be getting rich off the water being pumped uphill and across the desert. Let me explain to you how.
If you happen to be a landowner along the latest version of the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline, you will more than likely get a fat check when you sell out to the government for land that is otherwise a fair distance from civilization — and therefore fairly worthless.
In addition, if you happen to be a developer in Washington or Kane County, you are in for a treat. That’s because we will have all the water we need and want to waste on our luxurious lawns, water features, and golf courses.
And since impact fees along with water rates will be increased, as the developer you won’t have to pay for it; the new transplants to our area looking to enjoy southern Utah’s clean and sunny lifestyle will bear the brunt of the costs, as will anyone simply wanting to buy or build new house.
And as property values rise, you as a developer will stand to get filthy rich from this increased premium for property.
Not only that, but at your age you’re very unlikely to live long enough to worry about seeing this debt be paid off. And if we’re lucky the county may at some point be relieved of the debt if, say, the growth and building don’t continue at historic rates and Washington County ends up in a difficult financial position and unable to pay the debt.
In that case, there’s a fair chance that the Utah State and all of its taxpayers will bail us all out of this incredible debt.
Speaking of which, who really cares what it costs $1 billion, $8 billion, $12 trillion … it’s all the same, right? Because we are rich, and our kids and grandkids will need something to do.
In addition, building the Lake Powell Pipeline will help Utah to secure our full share of the Colorado River water, regardless of if it actually exists in the future. It’s ours, and we have a right to claim it, regardless if we are in a drought or if the amount of water coming down the Colorado River is less than was originally allocated in the 1920s. What’s right is right, and we have the right to that water.
Just because the Colorado River is already over-allocated and doesn’t make it to the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take more and forget about this hippie-dippie conservation idea. If we don’t take it, you know who’s going to get it?
And nothing would chap my hide more then that homogeneous and 100 percent liberal state taking our water! I mean seriously, what do you think they’re going to do with it other than utilize it efficiently with their conservation and careful planning? What do you think they’re going to do with it? Grow vegetables!?
If there’s one thing I can support, it’s our government spending massive amounts of money on projects we don’t need and can’t afford to pay for. I mean isn’t that the American way? And I’m very much looking forward to the referendum vote in November when we taxpayers will get to decide if we want to have and pay for this awesome project.
Vote for the Lake Powell Pipeline in November. I sure will!