Bored Stupid

– By German Reyna –

Twenty-five years. I’m having a hard time recalling the events that lead to the start of The Independent, (back then known as Revolution). Luckily, I had the first ten issues saved in a box, so I pulled them out to see if it would help me recall anything from that period of time.

Bored Stupid
Bored Stupid

After looking through some of the issues nothing was coming back to me. But I kept coming back to the first issue. The front cover headline read “Bored Stupid. Where does everybody go when then the sun goes down? Article on page 4,” but it was actually on page 3. So somewhere between feeling bored and stupid, we were also young and naive.

Josh and I spent many an evening talking about everything young 19-23 years old’s do while working the evening shift at the local newspaper. Which would only make sense that the idea to start a paper would be a logical step for us, and by us, I mean mostly Josh.

He always had tons of energy. He would probably tell you it was his vegan diet, but looking back now I think it was his creative drive and wanting to be able to support his young family. I think I went along with it to support him, and there wasn’t much else going on in Southern Utah. And, in some way, I was hoping that maybe we could bring out the local music scene like my friends living in Salt Lake at the time we’re getting to experience.

When it came time to commit to the future of The Independent, I couldn’t see myself doing it. I was ready to leave St. George and if Josh was going to keep making me write stories then it was definitely time to make my exit.

I can’t even begin to understand how much work it’s taken to have a small 8-page paper grow into the outlet it is today, I know it’s not something that only one person could have accomplished on their own. And that there have been many others that have come and gone but have been able to share in the experience of taking the Independent to where it is today. But one thing is for sure, Josh is the propulsion that has put the paper where it is today. Probably fueled by his vegan lifestyle, who knows for sure.

Josh, thank you for letting me join you at the beginning of this journey and for still being a friend after leaving. Thank you for always acknowledging my small contributions, in the beginning, you’re very generous and kind. And I wish you and the paper nothing but success for many years to come, just please don’t ask me again to write anything. I can actually recall saying that writing was not one of my strong abilities. It’s been too long since we’ve had a chance to visit in person and hopefully soon we can reminisce in person, until then stay safe and healthy.

Your friend,


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