Our outer space expands inner space as we exhale in harmony.
Our outer space expands inner space as we exhale in harmony.

Outer space expands inner space

The beauty and vastness of outer space inspires us to expand our inner selves — our inner space. Looking deep into outer space, we encounter a plethora of stars and unique planets, many unknown to us. Viewing images sent back to us from space telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope allows us to witness so much more now than we could during most of human history. The magnitude of the universe is enough to make us feel miniscule. But the cosmos is not meant to make us feel small or alone — quite the opposite. We are flecks of the cosmos; therefore, we are a part of it and contain the same magnificence. Our inner cosmos can be just as mysterious as the secrets of the universe. Our inner world — our awareness, thoughts, feelings, and dreams — is continually changing and evolving. We don’t always understand how this inner world is created, but we should always seek to expand it.

Don’t think

When we view the galaxy, we don’t have to think. We just automatically plug into a deeper truth. On an instinctual level, we are instantly reminded of where we came from. That’s why it feels so calming to look at the night sky. We are aware that we are part of the vast universe and that there is so much more to life than our everyday material experience. There is a sense of peace and assuredness that everything will be OK.

Breathe in the health benefits

These days, we have to make an effort to get outside at night to a place where we can see the stars without light pollution. Over 100 years ago, this was much easier due to smaller populations and less artificial light. When we take time to reconnect to deep space, we breathe deeply and expand our inner space. It is a form of meditation to quiet the busy mind and tune into nature. This causes our breathing to slow and our heart rates to relax, resulting in health benefits to the mind and body. When we decompress, we are able to think clearly and “see” more clearly. Creative thinking increases, generating more options to our challenges. We feel a stronger sense of well being and are able to strengthen resolve for setting goals and following our dreams.

The root of it all

The Latin root “spir” means “to breathe into.” To be inspired is to breathe in spirit — to be moved by God. When we pursue creativity, whether our own artistry or appreciating beauty around us, we are breathing life into that creation, infusing and expanding it. Creative energy never dies, but it can grow. As this unseen force expands within and around us, we feel more connected and alive. Spirit is moving through us. With each respiration, we breathe in life force and give back life to our surroundings. This is the circle of life, the unbroken oneness of spirit. Our outer space expands inner space as we exhale in harmony.

Step outside, take a deep breaths and throw your head back for a gaze at outer space. Allow inspiration to expand and fill your inner space.

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