The party of evil
By Michael Reagan
The Democrats and their parrots and lapdogs in the liberal media never stop accusing people on the right of being racists, sexists, and homophobes.
But if you pay even the slightest attention to what the left says and does, you know that they are the real bigots.
They’re the ones who thought it was real funny — and perfectly OK — when a “Saturday Night Live” skit on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings last weekend used the word “queen” and other gay-world references to imply that Republican Senator Lindsay Graham was secretly gay.
The left are also the ones who didn’t complain the other night when Don Lemon laughed along with his panel of CNN nobodies as they mocked Kanye West for being President Trump’s “token Negro.”
If any Republican or Fox News host ever referred to someone like Lemon “queen” or called him CNN’s “token Negro,” they’d be branded a racist homophobe by the liberal media and forced off the air forever.
The latest example of the left’s devious wordplay is its new definition of the word “mob.”
Tucker Carlson, who said the mindless anti-Kavanaugh protesters banging on the Supreme Court’s doors last week reminded him of zombies from the Netflix series “The Walking Dead,” correctly called them a “mob.”
But CNN and their liberal ilk disagreed.
As far as they are concerned, only right-wingers can become a dangerous mob — like the angry Tea Party activists who showed up and shouted at political meetings back in 2010.
Creepy Antifa kids disrupting traffic and harassing old folks in Portland?
Gangs of progressive screamers showing up in restaurants to publicly harass Republican officials or politicians?
The leftwing media say they are not really “mobs.”
They’re principled, youthful protestors trying to build a kinder, gentler, socialist world for every American who’s not rich enough to buy their own car.
The voting public is not fooled by this double standard in the liberal media.
They know it’s not Republicans who are telling their people to chase politicians or pundits out of restaurants.
They know it’s Democrats like Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Irresponsible Democrats like her are going to get someone killed — a Republican someone.
It almost happened last year when their attacks on President Trump and Republicans incited some “progressive” nut ball to start shooting Republican congressmen practicing at a Washington baseball field.
Now, thanks to the Democrats’ ugly smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh, Republican senators like Susan Collins and Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders need security guards 24/7.
It’s not the new Supreme Court Justice who’s evil.
It’s the Democrat Party and the nasty “progressives” who’ve taken it over and are willing to say or do anything or destroy anyone to bring down President Trump.
Maybe this is not something new. Maybe the Democrats have always been this evil.
Maybe my father foresaw the future when he said in the early 1960s that he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the party left him.
Where are the Hubert Humphreys, Scoop Jacksons, and Daniel Moynihans? Where are great Democratic statesmen of yesterday? They don’t exist.
The Democrat Party is no longer the Party of FDR. It’s the party of destruction.
Sometimes it almost makes me glad that my father is not alive to witness this sad state of our politics — or FDR. Or Lincoln. Or the Founding Fathers.
The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.
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