Artists of Washington Art Exhibition
Oct 15th – Nov 5th, 2021
St. GEORGE, UT – The Washington City Arts Council (WCAC) would like to invite you to its upcoming “Artists of Washington” art exhibition featuring local artists from Washington, Utah.
The exhibition will run from October 15 through November 5, Monday through Friday from 9 am-5 pm, and Saturday 12–5 pm at the Red Cliff Gallery, 220 N. 200 E. in St. George.
We want to thank the Red Cliff Gallery and the City of St. George for hosting this event and Washington City for supporting our talented, local artists. We invite you to show your support by joining us at our awards reception held Friday, October 15, from 6-8 pm. We will offer live music and refreshments.
We look forward to seeing you at the Red Cliff Gallery.
If you are an artist that lives in Washington, Utah, we encourage you to participate in our art shows. We support a variety of media and artistic talent, ranging from beginning to professional.

The Washington City Arts Council provides opportunities to showcase and sell your work and win cash awards at each show. We also offer workshops for the artist and the community and other events that promote art and local artists in Washington.
Interested in learning more about WCAC? – contact us at washingtoncityartscouncil@gmail.com and follow us on Facebook and Instagram@wcacut