Republicans – In today’s hyper-polarized political environment, it’s easy to forget that the great number of moderates near the political center share many common values.

A Common-Sense Republican

– By Howard Sierer –

In today’s hyper-polarized political environment, it’s easy to forget that the great number of moderates near the political center share many common values. If we were able somehow to shake off the extremes, both left and right, we could return to governing with common-sense and a recognition that finding middle ground is the essence of successful governance.

I share the common-sense views and values expressed in a recent center-left opinion piece entitled “The Democrats’ Common Sense Problem.” The first six items below are restatements of the author’s points as I see them from the center-right side of the political spectrum and I’ve added six more that I see as central to our country’s future.

  1. Equality of opportunity is a fundamental American principle; equality of outcome is not.
  2. America is not perfect but it is good to be patriotic and proud of the country. Efforts that emphasize grievances based on racial, ethnic and gender groupings undermine our common heritage and values and are ultimately destructive of civil society.
  3. Discrimination and racism are bad but both are on a long and steady decline. Most disparities today can be traced not to race but to family breakdown and failing inner-city schools, both of which have lifelong consequences.
  4. No one is completely without bias but calling all white people racists because they benefit from white privilege and calling American society a white supremacist society is not right or fair.
  5. High standards of achievement should be maintained for people of all races.
  6. More and better policing is needed to get criminals off the streets and secure public safety and cannot be provided by “defunding the police.” Police brutality and misconduct are relatively uncommon but must be rooted out and offenders punished without hesitation.

To the above, I add the following:

  1. Our elections are free and fair and their results should be respected by all. Efforts to cast doubt on them, especially those for federal offices, serve only to create unwarranted division and disrespect for the courts and the rule of law.
  2. Free speech is a fundamental American value that should be safeguarded everywhere. Language policing and shouting down speakers with whom one disagrees have gone too far.
  3. Our nation has and will continue to benefit from legal immigration. Protecting our borders in accordance with existing law is fundamental to national integrity.
  4. Free market capitalism is far and away the best political and economic structure for meeting the needs of the great majority of people. Socialism suffers by comparison and has always fallen far short of its utopian ideals.
  5. Economic regulation is needed to protect public health, safety and welfare. Such regulation should be guided by Henry David Thoreau’s principle, ”That government is best which governs least.”
  6. Compromise is the essence of the political process. The country is best governed when the center right and the center left can find ways to implement policies that (mostly) satisfy the great majority of citizens near the political center.

God bless America.

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  1. Howard, I certainly agree with most of what you’ve stated with some minor alterations but not enough to quibble over. As for “free market capitalism” – if only it were so! Our system is definitely not free market. It’s been and remains very manipulated in my opinion. But, I will agree it’s better than most other options. Regarding the free speech issue, I too am concerned about those who will shut down others they don’t want to hear particularly when it comes to events at institutions of higher learning where all ideas should be allowed as long as violence is not part of the picture. At a recent public hearing on the Clean the Darn Air initiative, I witnessed firsthand how some will get the floor and not relinquish it for others to have their fair time. One woman came loaded for bear with her comments that were much longer than the allotted two minutes and would not cede the floor. Some in the audience were giving her their two minutes to help extend her time, but there were others in the audience who wanted their own time to talk, too. When one woman tried to get the mic, it nearly came to fisticuffs when the speaker’s husband came to defend his wife’s right to monopolize the air time. Others had to step in to bring reason to the situation. We may not like to hear what others have to say but we need to be adult enough to share the time and let all have their say and not shout them down or be abusive otherwise. As for white privilege, I agree that it’s not fair to blame all whites for having been born white, but I do think that those of us who have been born white, did start with a leg up and should at least be willing to acknowledge that but not be expected to feel guilty about it. It’s not something we can change!

  2. As a White immigrant from South Africa, who fought against Russian advisors and Cuban troops in southern Africa, I have witnessed the insidious expansion of Marxism in Africa and now in the country that I revere as the bastion of freedom, free speech and unbridled opportunity to achieve your dream has become a leftwing, brainwashed 3rd world banana Republic.
    I have lived in America for over 30 years now and driven in all 50 States and worked in 22.
    Freedom is our life’s agenda.
    Censorship, promotion of radical leftwing BLM, ANTIFA, TRANSEXUAL and anti-American policies is destroying the dream
    MLK must be rolling in his grave at the Black radicalism today.This country is the laughing stock of the world.
    In South Africa, there was an author who wrote a book ” Cry the Beloved Country”.
    The title could aptly describe the demise the USA today.

  3. Anybody ever hear of the Yankee Cowboy theory? The cowboys ~ Texas Oil (LBJ , Bush…) The Yankees ~ East Coast bankers etc.. (Kennedy, Obama, Clinton) IN THE END it’s a battle of billionaires UNTIL we reform political campaign law and cut out PAC groups and other out-of-control funding channels. Funny… Only Marrianne Williamson is talking about it and it is her number 1 issue. No worries Dem super delegates will CUT her off at the pass. God Bless Political Campaign Reform… without it all points are mute …


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