Bioweapons and eugenics
Image: Still photograph from a Soviet film about the liberation of Auschwitz by Alexander Voronzow and others in his group, ordered by Mikhael Oschurkow / public domain

Darwinism by itself did not produce the Holocaust, but without Darwinism … neither Hitler nor his Nazi followers would have had the necessary scientific underpinnings to convince themselves and their collaborators that one of the world’s greatest atrocities was really morally praiseworthy.
― Richard Weikart, “From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany”

Hitler was not the first to practice eugenics on races he deemed inferior human beings; in fact, in the 1930s, seventeen U.S. states had laws permitting forced sterilization.

Eugenics is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlled selective breeding; in other words, “population control.” Bioweapons and eugenics are spawned from the same theory of a master race and the elimination of all inferior beings and races.

Eugenics is a pseudoscience aimed to “improve” the human race. To achieve this means wiping away all human beings deemed “unfit,” retaining only the genes of those conforming to a Nordic stereotype. Eugenics is a quack science with the aim of eliminating all inferior races and groups of people.

The Rockefeller family, among others, financed eugenics research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Nazi Germany, where some of the most horrifying “scientific” research was conducted, including the work of Josef Mengele. In short, the Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German Eugenics Program and even funded the program that Joseph Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.

Evidence suggests the U.S. has been searching for, if not actually practicing, covert bio-weapon eugenics operations on the world’s population for decades. In fact, unbeknownst to the U.S. population, in the 1970s the U.S. began searching for “ethnic weapons” designed to selectively target and to eliminate specific ethnic groups.

The eugenics philosophy was enshrined as U.S. national policy via forced sterilization, segregation laws, and marriage restrictions. Accordingly, twenty-seven states enacted these restrictions with California becoming the third such state in 1909.

The Carnegie Institute, In 1904, established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island; they stockpiled millions of index cards relating to ordinary Americans. Researchers carefully plotted the removal of families and entire bloodlines to cleanse our race.

U.S. fertility is at an all-time low. The National Center for Health said that in 2013, there were 62.5 births for every 1,000 women of childbearing age.

In April 2002, Life Site Daily News published a report that identified Australian Nobel Prize winner and world-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet’s position as supporting biological warfare as a form of population control.

Third World depopulation has been U.S. strategic policy since 1974, supported by the UN and advocated by Henry Kissinger and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation as recently as 2010 was still following a theory of gene superiority.

Ultimately, eugenics practitioners forcibly sterilized 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated populations in the hundreds of thousands, and persecuted unknown numbers in ways we still are discovering.

Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all such forced surgeries.

Lesser known was the National Security Study memorandum 200 from 1974 authored by Henry Kissinger, a strong believer in eugenics. This document discussed the world’s problem with overpopulation and how it posed a threat to the U.S. It urged the imposition of population control measures.

The media—although reporting forced sterilizations in China, Canada, and Sweden—kept the sterilization programs here in the United States concealed from the public. That was until a class action lawsuit (Madrigal v. Quilligan CV-75-2057-EC) filed in Los Angeles by ten sterilized women against Dr. James Quilligan (and county hospital obstetricians) revealed that Mexican women were being sterilized without their consent immediately after giving birth through deceptive measures. The court actually ruled against the women, raising an issue of the ninth circuit’s credibility even then.

Mexican women, who spoke no English, were given sterilization consent forms in English and were deceived to believe the operation was to deal with the after-effects of pregnancy. Sterilization was never discussed!

Similar eugenic abuses were reported on American Indian reservations, with estimates of coerced or covert sterilization running as high as 25 percent of the Native American population; one in four women were being sterilized.

Yet this abuse would continue until 1979, when a second lawsuit was filed in New York adding to a scandal in Puerto Rico which led to the passage of laws requiring standardized consent forms printed in multiple languages. This was exposed in a 1995 book by Michael Parenti, “Democracy for the Few.”

A 1965 survey of Puerto Rican residents found that about one-third of all Puerto Rican mothers, ages 20-49, were sterilized!

Many states had eugenics laws on the books until they were challenged.

Disease as bio-weaponry

In fact U.S. law still authorizes “secret testing” of biological and chemical weapons on U.S. citizens, without our knowledge or consent. See U.S. Public Law 95-79 [P.L. 95-79] codified as Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520: The U.S. “Chemical and Biological Warfare Program.” Note that the word “testing” is used.


Studies that began around 1969 resulted in the creation of the virus known as HIV, which would become AIDS. AIDS first appeared around 1979 as a public health risk, appearing first in a population of gay men who had been the subjects of an experimental vaccination regimen to test a new hepatitis vaccine. In 1989, Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D., linked AIDS to the hepatitis B viral vaccine experiments. The World Health Organization (WHO) at the 1989 AIDS International Conference suppressed this information, leading to millions of cases around the world of infections and millions of deaths caused by a vaccine the WHO knew to be the culprit.

So once again, experimentation with vaccines went astray, this time created the AIDS epidemic. But as with the U.S. eugenics programs being pursued, could this have been another attempt to eliminate a group of people those in charge of the U.S. government believed were an inferior or damaged group?


The recent Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia that killed more than 9,000 people has been the subject of bioweapons and warfare discussions in the U.K. The Guardian U.K. reported that “Scientists at the top-secret military research unit at Porton Down, Wiltshire, have been assessing the potential use of Ebola as a bioterrorism weapon.” Why would the U.S. not have the same vision?

By 1994, American-sponsored population control agendas and their abuses began surfacing all around the world, so it may be of common knowledge everywhere but not here in America.

Interestingly, both viruses HIV and Ebola are related to Africa, and both can be designed as a bio-weapon.

A coincidence?


In 1932, cancer experiments were undertaken by Cornelius Rhoades, then Chief Pathologist of the Rockefeller Institute. The experiments involved deliberately infecting a number of Puerto Ricans with cancer. Thirteen died as a result.

Rhoades was later placed in charge of a number of chemical warfare projects during World War II. He was also on the Atomic Energy Commission.


A “contrail” is a water or ice vapor that melts and disappears in a few minutes, whereas a “chemtrail” keeps spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bank. It does not melt as it is a chemical-based trail containing barium and aluminum oxide.

Though there is much discussion and multiple attempts to debunk chemtrails’s existence, not one of these “debunkers” has been able to debate the contents found in these chemical trails that are the actual ingredients within chemtrails.

In the late 1990s, or perhaps earlier, the aluminum oxide portion of chemtrails was alleged to be used to reflect sunlight and help cool the earth in what has come to be known as geoengineering. Investigators then became curious and began conducting lab tests on air samples.

The ingredients they found will astound you:

—Aluminum oxide

—Barium oxide

—Bacteria such as anthrax, pneumonia, e. coli, and salmonella

—Nine chemicals, including acetylcholine chloride

—Twenty six heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead, mercury, silver, uranium, and zinc

Reports and arrests show planes being forced down and evidence shows that they were carrying “waste disposal” systems that could spray up to about 100,000 pounds of material from a sophisticated network of pipes that led throughout the trailing edges of the wings, allowing the disbursement of whatever was in these tanks as a mist.

—Four molds and fungi

—Seven viruses

—Two cancers

—Two vaccines

—Two sedatives

—The radioactive element thorium

None of these additives serve to promote health or to even cool the earth; as a matter of fact, they are elements that place human and animal health at risk.

So to debunk the debunkers, simply explain how lab tests of these chemtrails establish their existence and makeup.

Swine flu

Did you know that CIA-contracted planes carrying mutated swine flu viruses intended for aerial spraying was shot down at China’s Shanghai Pudong Airport?

There are reports from China of the United States employing planes to spread a mutated swine flu virus around the world.

Allegations continue to surface. For example, on June 26, 2009, A U.S.-operated AN-124 was accused of changing its call sign from civilian to military when entering Pakistani air space. It was forced to land and the crew was arrested. There were allegations the two planes were spraying viral loads over the populations.

Why do you suppose the Western media has been silent about these incidents?

China has growing concerns that the United States has been spreading “biological agents” in the earth’s atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu.

Reports and arrests show planes being forced down and evidence shows that they were carrying “waste disposal” systems that could spray up to about 100,000 pounds of material from a sophisticated network of pipes that led throughout the trailing edges of the wings, allowing the disbursement of whatever was in these tanks as a mist.

The U.S. has been accused of spraying the H1N1 mutated swine flu virus over the Ukraine. Nearly 40,000 people became infected by what was called the “Ukraine plague.” Doctors have said recently that a stronger case of H1N1 or swine flu has mutated and has an affect on the lungs, destroying them and filling them with blood.

The WHO reported that the disease had been killing people in France, Norway, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and the United States and China report that this disease has now crossed over into dogs.

Certainly, as if this weren’t enough, there is a lot more to be concerned about.

The consequences of bioweapons and eugenics for the future

The latest reports are discouraging for our future. U.S. fertility is at an all-time low. The National Center for Health said that in 2013, there were 62.5 births for every 1,000 women of childbearing age. Typically childbearing age is 15 to 44. But isn’t this really part of the plan to reduce the population?

Recently, the Telegraph referred to a French report in the journal Human Reproduction that found that the reproductive health of the average man has fallen sharply in the last two decades. Of 26,600 men studied, sperm concentration has decreased by a third since the 1990s.

This may all be part of a plan by the elitists behind our government and the program that began around the end of the nineteenth century known as eugenics.

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  1. Jack Ferm, WOW. A telling article. Are you allowed to do a follow up on the subject before your kicked out of the community or are somehow the target of a CIA blowgun?
    I use to laugh at California Representative Maxine Waters-D back in the Seventies, when she accused the CIA of spreading the Aid’s virus in the black/ gay neighborhoods of San Fransisco.

  2. Jami…Thank you for your comment, I did get a chuckle from it. FYI the Independent is a very open news source and I am allowed an open book as long as I back up my claims. I often will do a part two for a story if new facts warrant. If you have any additional facts please let me know. I have just completed part two about Obama and his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    When I was on Radio, that question would be continually asked. For example I often went after judges as incompetent they were my biggest fans hoping I wasn’t going after them. CIA Blowguns are ancient relics, now they use sprays, or pump arsenic into your car.

  3. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan …
    There go those lie and distort conspiracy theorists again!
    Ladies and gentlemen, I call your attention to the Olympics level leap in time from the early 1900’s to today.
    “in the 1930s”
    “In 1904”
    “in 1909”
    … then Mr. Ferm vaults to the present day ..
    “In April 2002”
    What happened to the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War?
    Far be it from me to defend the money barons of the past like Rockefeller and Carnegie, but I also don’t think that the Illuminati or Rosecrucians are secretly pulling the strings on our lives. The truth is far more complex.
    Take the lab at Cold Springs Harbor, for example. Back before WWII, there clearly were some out of control people at work there. But “In 1935 the Carnegie Institution sent a team to review the ERO’s work, and as a result the ERO was ordered to stop all work. In 1939 the Institution withdrew funding for the ERO entirely, leading to its closure. The ERO’s reports, articles, charts, and pedigrees were considered scientific facts in their day, but have since been discredited.” (Wikipedia) In addition, “[Cold Springs Harbor Lab] has been home to eight scientists who have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. CSHL is ranked among the leading basic research institutions in the world in molecular biology and genetics.”
    Not quite the same as the picture painted by Mr. Ferm, is it?
    The claimed link between AIDS and the Hepatitis B vaccine is another myth that has gained widespread notoriety due to columns like this fanning the flames of hostility. Mr. Ferm’s reference, Alan Cantwell, self-published the books that created this discredited theory. Wikipedia’s article, “Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories” (The myth Mr. Ferm promotes is not the only conspracy theory about it.) is headlined: “hypotheses not currently accepted by the majority of the scientific community”.
    I continue to wonder whether Mr. Ferm reads his own references. I read the one about 50 U.S. Code 1512. It does indeed mention “testing”. But it is actually a list of all the conditions and precautions that must be satisfied before any testing can be done. It’s a law to protect us, not to exploit us. Read it yourself.
    And so it goes. Lie after lie, distortion after distortion. There are more to squash than I have the time and energy for. The common link between conspiracy theories is that someone is out to get you. I ask the simple question, “Why?” I can see Rockefeller and Carnegie exploiting both man and nature to get rich. I cannot see them funding a secret laboratory just because they are evil. Dr. Evil is a character in the Austin Powers movies and they’re funny. This isn’t funny.

    • Dan Mabbutt…is this a real name or are you trying to be cute?
      Read my article Cognitive-Dissonance

      If you would read my article it addresses people who have a hard time accepting reality (the Truth) as you have…Most of your comments are so off point I generally just let them slide by, but sometimes you are so off the wall, I have to attempt to set you strait…read my article it addresses people who are Cognitive-Dissonance inpaired, like you. I would bet you are a liberal, Liberals always deny facts as you do…

  4. Not only is that my real name, but I served a hitch in the Army with that name and I’ve heard it distorted in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE ! My favorite was when a company of a hundred men in an open bunk bay thought it was funny, funny to go to sleep after lights out with a chorus ..
    Mabbbut …. Mabbutt, Mabbutt … … Mabbutt … Mabbutt
    … like some demented frog pond. It took them a week to get over thinking that was funny.
    But back to nut case conspiracy theories …
    I note that your invective didn’t include anything new. Just name calling. I have to say that I’m not surprised. But I don’t want to repeat your error so here are some additional facts to counter your bizarre wailing.
    Take your next subject, “Chemtrails”. This hoary old myth has been destroyed so often that it looks like a city in Syria. The long and impressive list of things that are supposed to be in them is simply a lie. The truth is in an Air Force analysis that you can find here:
    As Wikipedia notes in a thoroughly footnoted article, “The USAF produced a fact sheet as well that described these contrail phenomena as observed and analyzed since at least 1953. It also rebutted chemtrail theories more directly by identifying the theories as a hoax and disproving the existence of chemtrails.”
    But then, the unarguable answer of the conspiracy theorist is was described by Patrick Minnis, an atmospheric scientist with NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. He is quoted in USA Today as saying that logic does not dissuade most chemtrail proponents: “If you try to pin these people down and refute things, it’s, ‘Well, you’re just part of the conspiracy’.”
    In formal logic, this is called a “circular argument”. The Independent doesn’t allow the language that is more commonly used to describe it.

    • Dan Mabbutt: You seem to need the last word to justify the incompetence in your “alleged” Research. Maybe quote the CIA when they said MKUltra never existed…and of course you had a hard time spelling my name. “before”..No surprise here. It would take seriously reading an article rather then simply trying to deny its truth.

      I’m also sure you’ll deny that also…I only stated a fact about you as a democrat living in denial…try doing some real research….maybe you might learn something….,

      I’m not going to banter with you any further, just like you failed to look at the links in a previous article, you were “too busy” about to leave and didn’t have the time…in this case look at MY links, maybe you will learn something important, but as I said…. You have a real need to see yourself in print, but you don’t take the time to present a real argument…the operative words are “a real argument” If you don’t know what that means ask!

      Your “investigation” is so inadequate, (quote a government source and believe it) Yup, real investigative tools there…but as you like to see yourself in print I will leave you that last work, I think the readers will see through your phony arguments…not interested in your war stories! And not really interested in trying to show you up, you do that your-self. Best of luck to you…

    • Eugenic is this: Lower the standards of the masses so they can handpick some ‘gifted’ children to get a proper education while the rest either gets screwed or get stuck with shitty paying jobs. Everyone would be held to a high standard if Eugenic is removed so that the gifted children can help themselves while the less gifted can get the proper attention they needed to catch up to the gifted ones. But who would want a population they can’t control? In other words, the demons are not in the CIA (mostly). They are working in the department of education. Get em if you got a bone to pick.

  5. Reminds me of a interesting debate between 2 temporary foxhole residents. One a Al Gore’s global warming possibility expert, the other relying on scientific fact. (Or) perhaps a CIA round- table discussion on the art of blowgun dart effectiveness when used in total darkness.
    Remember gentlemen, ‘If the glove doesn’t fit, you cannot convict’

  6. 12 Monkeys….. Directed by Terry Gilliam. However the dual catastrophe mentioned in the last chapter of M.D.L.C. makes all this irrelevant. Chiliaism is alive and well… Honestly, we are all bozos on this bus… to quote the firesign theater… Certain things are secret for a reason. I’m not worried… No one here gets out alive… Morrison… The world is not a nice place in this new millineum. Yes… the US government has made mistakes in the last 100 years, no doubt… but in this day and age… it is a different paradigm… WE ARE AT THE CROSSROADS…. Are we not men? We are Devo… D E V O… . The human race has to shift our current consciousness / awareness…. or as Roger Waters put it… we will be amused to death… (visualize monkeys staring at a TV screen or any screen for that matter). Dan is right, but you are not wrong, except in context.. You are lacking certain facts and not seeing the big (macro ) picture…. just parts of the puzzle… Once again… We are all bozos on this big blue bus… “I know nothing” Seargeant Shultz – Hogans Heroes.

  7. Do you know what’s the modern day Eugenics are? I think it’s called College degrees or the lack thereof. The CIA got no incentive to herd people like animals or poison them when there’s a gatekeeper (university) to keep some from well-paying jobs and allocate others to shitty jobs. Both covert practices (herding and poisoning) are bad for business. What kind of corporate elites would wanna do that? Besides they got terrorists and state enemies to go after (to cover up for the politician’s messes).

    Reason alone has expose this article to be biased because whatever doesn’t align with reason are mere conjectures.

    • And to state the obvious this is how Eugenic is performed in the modern era: lower the standards of primary education so there can be a privileged class instead of holding every student to a high standard so that the ‘gifted’ children can help themselves while the rest less gifted students gets the attention they need to catch up to the gifted ones. It would be an end to classicism if Eugenic is removed. But the corporate world would rather shit on everyone for profit.

      Humanity hasn’t learned to grow out of the Ego after so many centuries even though it would promote progress in the long run. What a disappointment.


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