Cancel Culture
Canceled Statues by Gary McCoy, Shiloh, IL

The Politics Of Upside-Down America

There was, even more, yelling and screaming than usual in Washington this week.

I’m not talking about the “peaceful” demonstrators in Lafayette Park, who were putting ropes and chains on the statue of Andrew Jackson and trying to pull it down.

I’m talking about in Congress, where there’s always a lot brave yelling and screaming about “We gotta’ do something about this” and “We gotta’ solve that.”

This week it was the police reform bill proposed by Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.


Called the “Justice Act,” it included incentives for police departments to ban things like chokeholds and no-knock raids, plus grants for body cams and a commission to study the social status of black men and boys.

Everyone – especially the Democrats – has been clamoring for police reform for a month in the wake of the George Floyd killing by police in Minneapolis.

Scott’s proposal, designed as a first draft subject to bipartisan debate, went nowhere.

Though Democrats and Republicans agreed on probably 75 percent of its content, Democrats in the Senate wanted much more, so they killed the Justice Act in its cradle.

You can understand why ordinary Americans are so frustrated by the people in DC.

They posture. They bloviate. They sling all this BS – and then do nothing till after the next election.
Meanwhile, across the country young demonstrators continue to use Floyd’s death and what they claim is systemic racism by police as excuses to riot and mindlessly tear down or threaten the statues of American heroes like Abraham Lincoln.

Dozens of cities – all run by Democrats and many with black mayors and police chiefs – have done virtually nothing to protect their statues or property owners from the mob.

It’s long past time for Barack Obama, Basement Joe Biden and Blue State political “leaders” to condemn the lawlessness of the street protestors, the statue destruction and the takeover of several blocks in downtown Seattle.

Yet even as people die, buildings burn and gangs of looters and violent professional agitators roam their streets, Democrats and the liberal media keep calling it “a peaceful revolution.”

But the mass of the American people knows better. For a month they’ve been watching nothing being done to stop the destruction and violence.

Is it any wonder gun sales to whites and blacks are going through the roof?

Of course, if you take up arms and defend a statue from the mob, you’ll be the one who ends up in jail.

This is where we’re at in upside-down America. The good guys are the bad guys and bad guys are the good guys.

The sad thing is, nothing is going to change anytime soon.

The Democrat appeasers are not going to get tough on the street mobs. They see the wave of lawlessness and disorder as a weapon to defeat President Trump. It may backfire, however.

Democrats are so foolish they actually think if Joe Biden becomes president things will get back to normal.

I’m sure the Poles thought the same way when they were taken over by Soviets after World War II: “If we just act nice to these bad guys, it’ll all be OK.”

But Democrats have learned nothing from history.

You don’t appease mobs, especially destructive mobs. You don’t take a knee to vandals. They only get more violent and demand more power.

The young Americans mindlessly tearing down statues of Ulysses S. Grant and demanding that police departments be defunded or disbanded are historical illiterates, but that’s not all.

They’ve been brainwashed by their college teachers into thinking that America is a terrible country built on racism.

Are there racists in America? Sure. But racism is not systemic the way it once was for seventy years in the Jim Crow South by law and in fact in the North.

Institutional racism, even if it existed the way Black Lives Matter and the demonstrators claim, is no excuse for destroying the country. It’s time for all of them to grow up, quit breaking things and start studying history.

Copyright 2020 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “Lessons My Father Taught Me: The Strength, Integrity, and Faith of Ronald Reagan.” He is the founder of the email service and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at and Send comments to Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Michael Reagan
Michael is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and Academy Award-Winning actress, Jane Wyman. He authored many successful books, including his best-selling autobiography, “On the Outside Looking In,” and “The Common Sense of An Uncommon Man: The Wit, Wisdom and Eternal Optimism of Ronald Reagan.” His book “Twice Adopted” is based on his personal story while his latest book “The New Reagan Revolution” reveals new insights into the life, thoughts, and actions of the man who changed the world during the 1980s. Throughout his career, Michael has taken time to support numerous charitable organizations. In addition to his role as president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation, he serves on the board of The John Douglas French Alzheimer's Foundation and is a board member and the national spokesperson for My Stuff Bags Foundation, a unique program that addresses some of the immediate physical and emotional needs of children rescued from abuse and neglect. In 2005, he established the Michael Reagan Center for Advocacy and Research in partnership with Arrow Child and Family Ministries. The center operates from a Christian worldview and conducts research in order to effectively advocate for public policies that benefit the safety, stability, and well-being of children and families, particularly those served by public and private child welfare systems. Michael has raised millions of dollars for many other notable charities including the United States Olympic Team, Cystic Fibrosis, Juvenile Diabetes Foundations, the Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund, the Santa Barbara and San Diego Navy Leagues, and the San Diego Armed Services YMCA. Michael has been married for 35 years to Colleen and they have two children – daughter Ashley, a third-grade teacher, and son Cameron, who is a travel agent.


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