A letter that accused Santa Clara City of denying a candidate for political office from participating in the recent Swiss Days parade is incorrect.
A letter that accused Santa Clara City of denying a candidate for political office from participating in the recent Swiss Days parade is incorrect.

Letter to the editor: No candidate was excluded from Santa Clara Swiss Days parade

I am writing to respond to the letter recently published which accused Santa Clara City of denying a candidate for political office from participating in the recent Swiss Days parade, while allowing other candidates to participate. I am disappointed that the author submitted her letter either with ignorance to or disregard for the truth.

City staff have reviewed the submitted parade applications and found that none were denied, including those submitted by political candidates. Candidates of different political persuasions have often traditionally participated in the Swiss Days parade and other associated events, and this year was no different.

I was personally contacted by a local reporter today [Sept. 24] who said that he had spoken to the candidate referred to in the author’s letter. This local reporter informed me that the candidate said he had voluntarily chosen not to make application to participate in the parade, after reading the City’s rule #6 for participation in the parade, published with the application form. Rule #6 reads as follows:

“This parade may not be used as a forum for political promotion or campaign, but campaigners may have a presence that is in keeping with the theme. All entries are to adhere to the parade theme.”

The candidate’s application would have been accepted, as were other candidates, if he would have applied. As the candidate did not apply, apparently by his own choice, it is irresponsible and not truthful to accuse the City of excluding anyone due to alleged corruption or political bias.

Swiss Days continues to be a wonderful event where everyone is welcome to come and celebrate the forebears who laid the foundations of our community. Regardless of when our own roots were planted here, we all enjoy the bounty made possible by their sacrifices. We welcome all to join us at Swiss Days next year, but you don’t have to wait that long to enjoy the shade of the sycamore trees. Visit our community and our local businesses anytime.


Ed Dickie

Santa Clara City Manager

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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