iranian hostagesFrom cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘Iranian Hostages,’ the Republican response to Obama’s actions, and people who love America and the military doing harm to America and the military

Who the hell complains about American hostages and prisoners being released by an enemy nation? Republicans. Specifically Republicans running for president.

They’re upset they were taken in the first place, which we all were. But they say the capture is a result of the disrespect the world has for President Obama, as if it wouldn’t have happened with a Republican president. Americans, members of the military, or civilians have never been taken by a foreign power during any other presidential administration. Oh wait, yes they have. OK, not during a Republican administration. Oh yeah, they have. During George W. Bush’s first year in office, China captured several military personnel. When they were released, Bush apologized to China and let China keep all the technology inside their plane.

They’re also upset with the way Iran promoted the capture by showing video of the sailors on the knees, hands behind their heads, while guns were pointed at them. I agree that’s sickening, and it shouldn’t be promoted. But we do it too. After we killed Saddam Hussein’s two sons, we flashed photos of their corpses across the media landscape.

In addition to the soldiers being released, Iran released five other prisoners on Saturday. Four of them were part of a “swap.” U.S. clemency was offered to seven Iranians charged or imprisoned for sanctions violations and the dismissal of outstanding charges against 14 Iranians outside the United States. They were not shipped to Iran and can pretty much go wherever they want. None of the seven were charged with terrorism.

Republicans are still upset. They say we shouldn’t have made the deal because… well, they don’t know why, but it’s just wrong. They wanted a fight. I guess it would have been OK if a Republican was president and made the deal by illegally giving Iran missiles, which is how President Reagan got hostages released.

The GOP has complained that the release of the five prisoners in Iran should have been a part of the nuclear deal. Their release is not a part of it, but it has coincided with the start of the deal. Yet they’re still complaining.

It’s funny the people who claim to love America and the military and claim to be patriots do the most harm to America and the military. Screaming about the release of the hostages before they’re actually released is a disqualifier for the office of president. Negotiations are sensitive. If you have to risk the lives of Americans and can’t wait another four hours to make political hay, you should not be president.

Diplomacy can work if you give it a chance. Sometimes you have to talk to your enemies. Even Reagan knew that…when someone told him who he was talking to and if he could stay awake long enough. The last time we didn’t give diplomacy a chance, we waged a useless war in Iraq. The people who created the mess, foreign and domestic, that Obama has spent eight years cleaning up, are promising to make the mess again.

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  1. Basically they weren’t “released” they were exchanged for 7 real criminals that the US was holding. Between this one and Bergdahl the new policy is set, the US does negotiate with terrorists and if you need to get your spies/terrorists/politically connected criminals back, grab up some hapless missionaries or aid workers and use em as negotiating pawns.


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