Trump routine attacking peopleFrom cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘The Heart of Trump,’ tweeting like a teenage girl, and Donald Trump’s routine of attacking people

Donald Trump doesn’t have to win the election to carry an exclusive title. He’s already First Jerk. Maybe First Ogre would be more appropriate. He’s proving himself to be a heartless, insecure human being. He can’t handle criticism, and he insults people. He tweets with the reckless abandon of a teenage girl. I know this because I have nieces.

Trump has a routine. He says something horrible and then he claims he didn’t say it. He mentioned Megyn Kelly bleeding out of her whatever and then claims it didn’t mean what everyone knows it means. He calls Carly Fiorina ugly and says he wasn’t talking about her appearance. He makes fun of a reporter’s physical disability—physically mocking him—then says he’s misunderstood and that he was unaware the reporter was handicapped, even though he’s met the reporter and claims he has the world’s best memory.

Trump, like most of the GOP candidates, is a horrible person. He has attacked individuals, Hispanics, African Americans, gays, women and now the disabled. Lovely.

If Trump wants people to stop calling him out for being a jerk, then he should stop being a jerk. The same for lying. Stop lying. In general, Donald Trump should stop being an asshole.

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