Cedar Breaks National Monument will increase park entrance and campground fees in order to fund deferred or backlog maintenance and improvement projects. Cedar Breaks has a per-person entrance fee charge while many national parks charge per vehicle.
The cost per person is now $6, campground fees are now $20 and $10 for seniors (per-site, per-night), and a Cedar Breaks annual pass is now $25.
In the fall of 2014, the National Park Service conducted a nationwide review of entrance fees. To solicit public input, Cedar Breaks invited public feedback and comments in December 2014. The review concluded that this fee increase was necessary to maintain current visitor facilities and improve American Disability Act accessibility. In addition, fees will be used to enhance visitor services by adding more campground sites, a covered picnic pavilion, and additional restrooms.
National park entrance fees are not charged for persons under 16 years of age or to holders of annual, senior, military, access, and Every Kid in a Park 4th grade interagency passes.
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