Cesar Aedo - Don Cesar City
Cesar Aedo is from Huancayo, Peru. Born April 1st, 1958. The same day our print issue hit stands this month throughout southern Utah. Happy Birthday, Cesar!

Cesar Aedo – For The Love Of Life & Culture

– By James McFadden –

World Famous Mime, Cesar Aedo, to Perform Don Cesar City at The Electric Theater on May 27th & 28th.

Cesar Aedo is from Huancayo, Peru. Born April 1st, 1958. The same day our print issue hit stands this month throughout southern Utah. Happy Birthday, Cesar!

As a young boy of nine years, growing up in the mountains of Peru, he, like all the other children, attended catechism every Saturday for religious lessons. After their studies, they would be treated to a special film each week. Not the films you and I might think of, no, they got to enjoy the “art of silence” through the likes of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Laurel & Hardy. Every Saturday for a year, Cesar gazed up at the screen as he came to love those early performers and he wanted to be just like them. While others enjoyed the humor of it all, Cesar saw the art and beauty.

He was so mesmerized; he knew exactly what he wanted to do when he grew up and the art became his love, his life, and his passion.

While attending University in Lima, Peru, Cesar decided he wanted to study under Marcel Marceau, and he had a plan. With just $90 in his pocket and a one-way ticket to Guayaquil, Ecuador, he set out on what would become a seven-month journey as he made his way to Europe.

Cesar Aedo - Don Cesar City
His first opportunity to perform in the United States came in 1984 when he was invited to perform at BYU. This is where his journey truly took flight.

From Guayaquil, he traveled to Cali, and then Bogotá, Columbia where he performed on the streets to earn his way, sometimes even finding himself on the wrong side of the law! From there he headed to Canal Zone in Panama where he continued to perform on the streets. No training, just a love for his craft. And so, the story begins.

Cesar made it to Paris and studied under Marcel for four years. He then studied under Jacques Lecoq. Two of the most famous mime and body motion artists in the world.

His first opportunity to perform in the United States came in 1984 when he was invited to perform at BYU. This is where his journey truly took flight.

For the next 16 years, he traveled the world performing; then he got his big break. For several years he worked on the idea of starting his own company of performers and he pitched his ideas to anyone who would listen. Years went by and then one day he got the call.

In 1997 he was hired by SeaWorld to bring his vision to life in Orlando, Florida, and for six years he and his company of 25 performers staged “Flight of the Condor” and then “Odyssea” for another five. If you ever visited SeaWorld in Florida, you might have seen one of those shows. They have been enjoyed by almost 15 million people. Think Cirque du Soleil of the ocean.

Today, Cesar, in every aspect, is a world-class professional mime who has performed on every continent and in over 50 countries.

Much has happened since then that I don’t have room to cover now, however, this is the bottom line. He lives here, in St. George, and you have a very special opportunity to see him bring his art of silence to life at the Electric Theater. May 27th & 28th.

Find everything you need to know at DonCesarCity.com, and look for Cesar around town and on TicTok. He’s about to make impromptu appearances… everywhere.

Tickets will be available soon at DonCesarCity.com

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James McFadden
James McFadden grew up in and around San Diego, California, spending most of his early years living in a small town called Poway. James moved his family here to southern Utah in 2007. He has worked as a publishing, advertising, marketing, and sales professional for over 35 years, spending his first 10 years in the radio broadcasting industry as an on-air personality and event coordinator. James is currently the Editor and Online Content Director for The Independent. He was previously the publisher of Life at Stone Cliff and What's Up Southern Utah, as well as the creative founder behind The Senior Saver. If you would like to reach James, become a contributor here at The Independent, or suggest a column, you can leave a comment below or simply visit our Contact page.


  1. Hi,
    The article does not mention where to buy tickets for the Don Cesar City show. Can you please let me know where I can buy tickets?

  2. Thank you, Linda. The link to Cesar’s website is in the article, we will release another article when tickets are available for purchase. In the meantime, if you visit the website you can register to be notified as soon as that is all set up.


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