The second week of September is traditionally when Congress reconvenes. We here at Durstco are proud to present “How Congress spent summer vacation.”
The second week of September is traditionally when Congress reconvenes. We here at Durstco are proud to present “How Congress spent summer vacation.”

How Congress spent summer vacation

Alert! Alert! This is a test. This is only a test. A test of the Congressional Re-arrival Warning System. Residents of the District of Colombia should remain on the lookout for male and female politicians walking the streets disguised as normal citizens. Although experts at camouflage, they can be recognized, notably by the crisp lines of their plumage, consisting mostly of dark business suits, but also by the incessant habit of spending every waking hour dialing district donors for dark dirty dollars.

The second week of September is traditionally when all 535 members of the 116th Congress reconvene, ostensibly refreshed for the arduous 33 days of work scheduled between now and Thanksgiving.

Caution: Do not approach or attempt to interact with these seemingly mild-mannered bureaucrats as they are often irritable and unpredictable after spending lengthy periods amongst family and constituents, depending on which vacational ventures were undertaken.

Fortunately, through a complex network of research grants, internet searches, and educated guesses, we here at Durstco were able to determine the recreational activities engaged in by many of America’s movers and shakers these past couple of months and are proud to present them now in a feature we like to call “How Congress spent summer vacation.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went to vocabulary camp, learning how to say “no” in 23 different languages.

Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Switzerland for a charisma implant but, alas, his system rejected it and the donor died.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren binge-watched all 8 seasons of Game of Thrones. But didn’t get it.

President Donald Trump managed to bring his golf handicap below his body temperature for the first time since contracting malaria. Malaria, not Melania.

Vice President Mike Pence spent a lot of time being seen reading the Bible in the presence of his wife.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders held a series of mock debates with himself and lost to Kamala Harris every time.

Former Congressman Mark Sanford hiked another Appalachian Trail, where he was hit by a bolt of Republican lightning.

Donald Trump Jr. took a hurricane-tracking course in order to better advise his father.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton got his talons sharpened.

Beto O’Rourke spent three weeks in physical therapy learning to talk with his hands stapled to the outside of his thighs.

Wisconsin Congressman James Sensenbrenner achieved higher consciousness after two weeks in an Oneida sweat lodge.

Eric Trump was sent on a month-long snipe hunt by White House handlers.

Andrew Yang practiced casting a reflection in a mirror.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had a sleep-over at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s house, and the two got into a pillow fight resulting in two broken lamps and a quick trip to the emergency room.

Cory Booker added Antonio Brown to his fantasy football team.

Marianne Williamson presented a spirited defense of her Summer League Competitive Yoga title.

Tom Steyer built a phone tree filled with recalcitrant billionaires.

Amy Klobuchar organized sensitivity training retreats in various yurts around northern Minnesota.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg baked and froze a series of casseroles for the South Bend Indiana Police Lodge’s Annual Autumn Potluck Dinner.

And finally, Melania, not malaria, Melania Trump wandered the Northern Mediterranean Coast scoping out possible new rich daddies for Barron.

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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Will Durst
As the sacred cows set themselves up for slaughter each night at six, America cries out for a man with the aim, strength and style to swat the partisan political piñatas upside their heads. Will Durst is that man. Sweeping both sides of the aisle with a quiver full of barbs sharpened by a keen wit and dipped into the same ink as the day's headlines, Durst transcends political ties, performing at events featuring Vice President Al Gore and former President George H.W. Bush, also speaking at the Governors Conference and the Mayors Convention cementing his claim as the nation's ultimate equal opportunity offender. Outraged and outrageous, Durst may mock and scoff and taunt, but he does it with taste. A Midwestern baby boomer with a media-induced identity crisis, Durst has been called "a modern day Will Rogers" by The L.A. Times while the S. F. Chronicle hails him as "heir apparent to Mort Sahl and Dick Gregory." The Chicago Tribune argues he's a "hysterical hybrid of Hunter Thompson and Charles Osgood," although The Washington Post portrays him as "the dark Prince of doubt." All agree Durst is America's premier political comic. As American as a bottomless cup of coffee, this former Milwaukeean is cherished by critics and audiences alike for the common sense he brings to his surgical skewering of the hype and hypocrisies engulfing us on a daily basis. Busier than a blind squirrel neck deep in an almond sorting warehouse, Durst writes a weekly column, was a contributing editor to both National Lampoon and George magazines and continues to pen frequent contributions to various periodicals such as The New York Times and his hometown San Francisco Chronicle. This five-time Emmy nominee and host/co-producer of the ongoing award winning PBS series "Livelyhood" is also a regular commentator on NPR and CNN, and has appeared on every comedy show featuring a brick wall including Letterman, Comedy Central, HBO and Showtime, receiving 7 consecutive nominations for the American Comedy Awards Stand Up of the Year. Hobbies include the never-ending search for the perfect cheeseburger, while his heroes remain the same from when he was twelve: Thomas Jefferson and Bugs Bunny. Look for Will's new book "The All American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing" at bookstores and Will Durst's performances and columns are made possible by the First Amendment.


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