Dixie State University
It was a good and necessary step to drop Dixie from the nomenclature. It was stupid to rename the institution Utah Polytechnic State University. That’s a lot of words for such a little school. And, they are misleading.

Couldn’t They Come Up With Something Better?

By Ed Kociela

Utah Polytechnic State University?


That’s the very best you could do?

Yep, that’s what the name recommendation committee for Dixie State University came up with.

And. It. Sucks.

Not for the same reasons why the current name of the institution sucks, but because it is a definite step down the evolutionary scale, a lazy afterthought.

Sounds like something you might call a community college or some institution where you can learn to become a plumber or dental technician or computer technician. It is certainly not something I would like to see on the sheepskin of some job applicant who came to me looking for employment.

The committee says they could use “Utah Tech” as a nickname. Some have suggested calling the school UPS University and renaming the athletic teams the Browns, a reference, of course, to the loyal delivery crew that drops off your Amazon.com packages at the door.

It was a good and necessary step to drop Dixie from the nomenclature. It was stupid to rename the institution Utah Polytechnic State University. That’s a lot of words for such a little school. And, they are misleading.

Because the name is so ridiculous, the Dixie stalwarts have dug their heels in even deeper, insisting that a name change is unnecessary.

The folks at the school will have a meeting today to further pursue the new name for the school.

Of course, there are the diehards who are either too ignorant of the social, cultural, and historical baggage that goes along with maintaining “Dixie” as part of the school name. For them, there is no hope.

However, better minds will realize that regardless of their prejudices or faux heritage concerns, “Dixie” has negative connotations, especially as we, hopefully, are making some gains in racial understanding.

Look, it is either ignorant, selfish, or racist to insist that Dixie remain a part of the Southern Utah identity. Southern Utah, as you must know by now, had strong ties to the Old South and its racism. There were slaves here, there was racial intolerance. In fact, to be honest, there still is.

Don’t worry, Southern Utah isn’t the only place where we find racism and ethnic separation. It happens in many other places, some with a higher, some with a lower degree.

But, the thing is, we can actually do something about it here that might make a difference elsewhere. Perhaps if we show intolerance for the Stars and Bars, perhaps if we acknowledge that the rebels who fought for the Confederacy were basically what we would call terrorists today, perhaps if we acknowledge that this whole Dixie thing was a mistake, we might be able to set an example of advancing humanity.

I’ve been through the Deep South. I’ve seen how it goes. I’ve lived where racism is a way of life in a supposedly sophisticated, urban environment. It is one of our worst attributes.

I’ve seen people pulled over to the side of the road just because of their color, I’ve heard people talk when they thought they could get away with their slurs, I’ve seen how separatist we truly are.

I have also seen the supposed morality of religions that proclaim brotherhood but did nothing to implement it until, well, federal laws were enacted and they had some revelation that people of color were entitled to the same rights as the majority.

And, I have seen the ignorance of the uneducated who think that just because the word Dixie does not conjure images of slavery, suffering, and lynching to them it should be meaningless to the millions whose families lived under the lash.

My God, where is your decency, your understanding that just because we may look different we are truly not?

Wisdom, I pray, takes over in those narrow minds that are set upon preserving a past that was filled with hate and prejudice, and wisdom, I pray, will fairly resolve this thing that hangs above.

But, let’s also not make stupid decisions that will cripple our children by giving them degrees from what sounds like a second-rate school, which is what Utah Polytechnic State University sounds like. What is wrong with St. George University? What is wrong with Red Rock University? What is wrong with the University of Southern Utah? Be the Pioneers, the Explorers, the whatevers, and if you want to be rebels, do something progressively rebellious that furthers education and experience rather than glorify some guy with a gun defending the right to enslave others. There is no honor in that, no inspiration, no decency.

Education is supposed to enlighten, broaden perspectives, open minds, not leave them stuck in a past that is tarnished with blood and suffering. It is supposed to open the doors to understanding, acknowledging our successes, remedying our mistakes, healing our wounds.

We do not live in the land of cotton. And Dixie? Well, it is a state of mind that is anything but the romantic notion of Tara and Scarlett and Rhett. It was an evil, horrendous place, at least for those who were forced to plow its fields and serve their masters.

There was no honor, no romance to the Antebellum South. There was no dignity, no ethic, no morality, no gentleness despite the Margaret Mitchell fantasy. Mammy, Pork, Big Sam, and Prissy were not part of the family, they were slaves, they were victims of Dixie.

Do you really want that as part of your legacy?

Do you really want to claim that as part of your heritage?

Do you really not realize the perpetuation of the damage inflicted over the centuries by using the word Dixie as part of our identity?

It’s a good start to dump Dixie from the school’s name, but it would serve the community much better if this committee would come up with something better, something more appropriate, something more respectful than Utah Polytechnic State University.

Committee members, give us something better, something respectful that will wash the bitter taste of Dixie from our mouths and bring some dignity to our community.

Our children deserve it.

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Ed Kociela
Ed Kociela has won numerous awards from the Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists. He now works as a freelance writer based alternately in St. George and on The Baja in Mexico. His career includes newspaper, magazine, and broadcast experience as a sportswriter, rock critic, news reporter, columnist, and essayist. His novels, "plygs" and "plygs2" about the history of polygamy along the Utah-Arizona state line, are available from online booksellers. His play, "Downwinders," was one of only three presented for a series of readings by the Utah Shakespeare Festival's New American Playwright series in 2005. He has written two screenplays and has begun working on his third novel. You can usually find him hand-in-hand with his beloved wife, Cara, his muse and trusted sounding board.


  1. OMG
    Grow up and stop hateful bullshit.
    I’m sorry but I’m an educated person to know the History of the United States and my ACD Queensland Healer is named DixieDo. Hope the Woke numnuts chock on it and also I’m a Republican and Gay and LDS and NRA member and a veteran of the Cold War Damm Commies and Socialists are Sheep to the death camps IMPEACHMENT FOR BEIDEN ADMINISTRATION AND CONGRESS everyone gets fired and States call the constitutional convention

  2. Ed.
    Thanks for a great opinion piece. I’ve been “institutionalized” my entire career; mostly at one of the California State University campuses.

    I can’t quite figure out what would be wrong with a new name that supports and promotes both Utah and St. George. What name you ask? “University of Utah St. George”.
    Sounds pretty complex, eh.

    Oh, and as to the comment by Scotty Harville-Sandberg. The only one here spouting hatefulness seems to be you. To paraphrase a well known historical figure. It is better to be thought ignorant or stupid than to prove it by spouting off.

    Also, as a helpful suggestion…using your “education” to work a bit on your spelling, english and grammar would be very helpful. Perhaps using the tool of proof reading would also be very helpful.

  3. Tell me where you know this.. Everything I have read – including my ancestors journals show there was no slavery here…In fact there were a few free slaves.

    “Look, it is either ignorant, selfish, or racist to insist that Dixie remain a part of the Southern Utah identity. Southern Utah, as you must know by now, had strong ties to the Old South and its racism. There were slaves here, there was racial intolerance. In fact, to be honest, there still is.”


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