Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.

Our Geological Wonderland: A record of ancient environments

Rock record in St. George

Geologic features in and around St. George are certainly visually stimulating. Many are scientifically significant, and they consist of a variety of different types of rocks of different geologic ages (Figure 1). These rocks are divided into geologic formations. Hidden within each of these formations is evidence of where and how they were formed. Geologists, therefore, hunt for this evidence in a somewhat similar manner by which a crime scene investigator hunts for evidence. Basically, geologists are looking for clues as to the origin and history of each formation.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 1. Geologic map of rock formations in St. George. Each color represents where a different formation is exposed at the surface. Letters indicate geologic age and name for each formation. For example, “Jn” represents the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone (see Figure 2).

Although these formations are stacked on top of one another in what appears to represent a continuous sequence, there is actually a missing rock record between most of the formations (Figure 2). Think of a story book in which some chapters have been removed. So there are two aspects to consider if the geologic history of these formations is to be determined. First, determine the age and conditions in which each formation was deposited. Second, determine conditions in which each unconformity was formed.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 2. Stratigraphic column for each of the formations exposed in St. George. The orange intervals with a wavy line each represent a time interval for which we have no rock record preserved in the St. George area, and they therefore represent unconformities. Thicknesses of the formations are not to scale.

What is an unconformity?

Unconformities represent missing rock record. They occur because of non-deposition, by erosion of previously deposited sediments or rocks, or by a combination of both processes. In St. George, most recognized unconformities are termed “disconformities” (Figure 3). Missing rock record due to an unconformity may represent millions or even hundreds of millions of years of geologic time. Thus, they represent significant episodes within the Earth’s long history.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 3. Formation of a disconformity. Time A represents deposition of sediments within a body of water. Later time B represents exposure on land and erosion of previously deposited sediments (or rocks). Still later time C represents deposition of younger sediments within a body of water. Thus, the disconformity represents a buried surface of erosion.

A geologic history of deposition and erosion

The following discussion will include formations in the St. George area. Each of these formations has been studied in detail by many geologists, some beginning back in the early 1900s, with evidence collected much like a crime scene investigation. The goals in these studies were to determine the type and features preserved in the rocks and to find any fossil evidence and use this information to establish a geologic age and environmental conditions under which each formed. Formation names usually reflect a geographic location where they were first named (like the Kaibab Formation), or the composition of the rocks (such as Navajo Sandstone).

Kaibab Formation

This formation was recognized and named by N. H. Darton in 1910. It consists primarily of limestone (calcium carbonate) and dolostone (calcium/magnesium carbonate). The Kaibab occurs in many areas of the southwest and has a maximum thickness of about 500 feet at the Grand Canyon. In most areas, it is only a few hundred feet thick. A variety of fossils have been found in these rocks, including various invertebrates and microfossils called conodonts. These fossils have been used to establish an Early-Medial Permian age, having been deposited between 283 and 268 million years ago.

The geologic map (Figure 1) indicates that within the St. George area this formation occurs only at the south end of the city and forms low hills along River Road. It represents the oldest rocks exposed in the city. These rocks are light-colored crystalline limestone and contain minor amounts of siliceous chert and scattered fragmentary remains of fossil invertebrates.

Comparison of rocks and fossils of the Kaibab with sediments forming within modern environments indicates that the limy sediments were deposited in relatively shallow ocean water in a subtropical environment, similar to conditions existing today in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas (Figure 4).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 4. Kaibab Limestone. A and B. Outcrop and hand-sized sample of the Kaibab Formation. C. A modern tropical, shallow-water carbonate shelf. This is how St. George may have appeared 275 million years ago.

Moenkopi Formation

This formation was recognized and named by L. F. Ward in 1901. It consists of a variety of rock types but is predominantly shale and mudstone (Figure 5). This formation is widespread in the southwest and unconformably overlies the Kaibab Formation, but in most areas this contact is covered by sediments eroding from the Moenkopi. It has been divided into at least 14 members in various locations. Sedimentary features such as ripple marks and gypsum occur in the various members of this formation along with a variety of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate remains and trackways.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 5. Moenkopi Formation. A. Some of the different members of the formation. B. Ripple marks. C. Siltstone with gypsum veins. D. Example of vertebrate tracks.

Taken together, these sedimentary and paleontological features indicate that complex depositional environments existed in the region and included freshwater lakes, deltaic floodplains, evaporitic tidal flats, and shallow marine shelf areas in a warm to hot climatic zone (Figure 6).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 6. Example of modern tidal flat, deltaic, and shallow marine depositional environments similar to what may have existed during the formation of the Moenkopi Formation about 240 million years ago.

Chinle Formation

This formation was recognized and named by H. E. Gregory in 1917. It consists of a variety of rock types such as conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. The formation has been divided into a number of members, but only two are recognized in the St. George area. They are the lower Shinarump Conglomerate and the upper Petrified Forest Member (Figure 7).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 7. Chinle Formaltion. A. Shinarump Conglomerate disconformably overlying Moenkopi Formation. White arrows mark the disconformity between the Moenkopi and overlying Shinarump. B and C. Coarse-grained sandstone with some petrified logs and sample of the conglomerate. D. Outcrop of Petrified Forest Member of shale, mudstones, and thin layers of gray “blue clay.”

Along with various rock types and sedimentary features, the Chinle contains a variety of fossils (Figure 8). These include freshwater invertebrates, fish and other vertebrate remains, and abundant petrified logs and foliage. These plant remains often appear to be the result of local floods that transported the tree trunks and then deposited them as the floodwaters receded. Taken together, this evidence indicates that a variety of depositional environments occurred in the region (Figure 9).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 8. Chinle fossils. A. Petrified logs. B. Leaf impressions. C. Fish fossil. D. Head of a crocodile-like reptile. E. Outcrop of blue clay along Riverside Drive at the south end of Foremaster Ridge. White arrows indicate unconformable contact with overlying geologically young river gravel deposits and covering basalt lava flow marking the top of the ridge.
Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 9. Simple paleogeographic model of “Chinle time.” Note volcanic activity along the western margin, which produced volcanic ash that was later altered into our blue clay. Example of a modern tropical forest and river system similar to that existing when the Chinle Formation was being deposited.

Moenave Formation

This formation was recognized and named by J. W. Harshbarger, C. A. Repenning, and J. H. Irwin in 1957. It consists primarily of shale, siltstone, and sandstone and has been divided into two members: the lower Dinosaur Canyon Member and the upper Whitmore Point Member. It occurs in Arizona, Nevada, and southern Utah and has a maximum thickness of about 325 feet. Bedding surfaces preserve sedimentary features such as ripple marks and mud (desiccation) cracks and a diverse assemblage of dinosaur tracks, fish, and some plant fossils. The tracks, which were discovered by Dr. Sheldon Johnson in 2000, were the impetus for building the Dinosaur Discovery Museum in St. George (Figure 10).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 10. Moenave Formation. A and B. Both members exposed in the Zion Canyon area. C. Current ripple marks. D. Mud cracks with dinosaur footprint. E. Dinosaur tracks in silty shale. F. Dinosaur Discovery Museum building.

Rock types, sedimentary structures, fossils, and trace fossils such as the dinosaur tracks all indicate that the Moenave Formation was formed in a terrestrial river and lake system in a humid subtropical environment. The rock record to the east of this area consists of sandstone that was accumulating in a more arid environment (Figure 11) and was slowly encroaching westward.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 11. Paleogeographic map for Early Jurassic Moenave Formation for the southwestern United States. This was a region of river systems and lakes with a desert to the east and low-lying upland areas to the west. Modern Nile River and Delta, which is surrounded by a widespread sand dune desert.

Kayenta Formation

This formation was named by A. A. Baker in 1936 and consists primarily of sandstone, siltstone, and shale. It is found in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. These rocks weather into distinct thin to medium beds and are brownish red to dark red to almost magenta with a maximum thickness of about 700 feet. In some areas, the lower interval is named the Springdale Sandstone (Figure 12).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 12. A. Kayenta Formation at Zion Canyon. B and C. Springdale Sandstone and overlying thinner bedded siltstones and shales of the Kayenta Formation. D. Mudcracks. E. Dinosaur tracks.

Lithologic features including mud cracks, ripple marks, and cross bedding plus a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate fossils indicate the depositional environments were streams, rivers, and floodplains similar to those for the underlying Moenave Formation. The lower Springdale Sandstone, which contains cross bedding, indicates that an arid desert environment was encroaching from the east, which eventually covered the region with extensive sand deposits.

Navajo Sandstone

This formation was recognized and named by H. E. Gregory and R. W. Stone (1917), but it has been considerably revised since that time. These rocks are generally exposed as massive sandstone cliffs conformably overlying the brighter red Kayenta Formation, and they are spectacularly exposed in cliffs at Zion Canyon National Park and other parks in Utah. Well developed cross bedding (cross stratification) is common and represents ancient wind-deposited sand dunes. In some local areas, there are thin limestones that may contain fossils of freshwater-dwelling invertebrates. Dinosaur tracks occur in the rocks (Figure 13).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 13. A. Upper part of the Kayenta overlain by Navajo Sandstone. Vertical lines are joints (cracks) in the sandstone. B. Cross bedding. C. Thin local exposures of freshwater limestones with fossil. D. Mud cracks. E. Dinosaur tracks.

Based on rock types, various sedimentary structures, and fossil evidence, the Navajo Sandstone, along with other equivalent formations in the region, was deposited in a very large arid desert. A modern example of such an environment is provided by the Sahara Desert in northern Africa. Such a widespread sand sea is called an “erg” (Figure 14).

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 14. A. Sahara Desert sand erg with oasis. B. Formation of a sand dune with cross bedding. C. Geographic extent of known Jurassic sand erg based on Navajo Sandstones and other regional formations.


The figure below (Figure 15) summarizes the information discussed above. The photo, from the Capitol Reef area, shows the predominantly red rocks of the region. From the Kaibab Formation (not in the image) through the Navajo Sandstone, approximately 90 million years of geologic time are represented, although a significant amount of that time is represented by unconformities. Evident from the rocks and fossils are the distinct changes in depositional environments and climates that occurred during this interval. Other evidence from paleomagnetic studies indicates that the North American Continent was moving westward and northward during this interval as a result of the plate tectonic formation of the Atlantic Ocean.

Our Geological Wonderland: The rock record in St. George illustrates the various rock formations in St. George like the Kaibab Formation and many others.
Figure 15. Summary of characteristics and changing depositional environments for each of the formations exposed in the St. George area. Orange intervals represent unconformities.

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  1. Rick, have you ever talked with anyone about the astroid that hit this area? Contact me and I’ll show you a few things I’ve been working on. Thank you.


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