Vote for Dad, because he really will be the best county commissionerVote for Dad, because he really will be the best county commissioner

By Ceri Steele

Like most daughters, I can’t help but love my dad. I’m proud that he wants to serve my home county. I also know that even if he was not my dad, he would be a terrific county commissioner. I’ve observed him in a variety circumstances for 33 years. That’s why I decided to take the time to write about him.

Gil Almquist starts each day before the sun comes up. His passion is to accomplish at least one action before the sun goes down that will make his community better than it was the day before. He listens, and he acts to bring about positive results. He serves his wife, his children, and his extended family, which in his mind includes neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers, not necessarily in that order.

I learned to love others from my dad, and because I love my husband, I moved with him to North Carolina. Since that happened, I talk to Dad each week. You know what he talks about? You.

He talks about all the great things happening in Washington County and you, the people who are making them happen. He mentions things he’d like to see improved — conservation; water redundancy because we rely so heavily on the Virgin River; how we need to improve transportation, including road maintenance; how we need to continue to strengthen local law enforcement and make innovations at Purgatory — all while being accountable to the taxpayer by holding the line on expenses.

He knows how important it is to honor the taxpayer because he has run a successful small business, Gil Almquist Landscaping, for 36 years. He understands what small business owners need — lower taxes, less regulation, and less government interference — and as a county commissioner he will deliver.

I’ve observed Dad listening and thanking every citizen who contacted him. He searches out the facts and makes decisions based on research and truth. Dad was elected to serve two terms on the St. George City Council along with serving on many county and city boards. He has the experience, the wisdom, and the collaborative spirit found in the best leaders.

I’m grateful for the lessons Dad teaches, the trips to historic sites, the encouragement to understand the Constitution, and his example of service.

It kills me that I can’t vote for this kind, bright man who wants with all his heart to serve Washington County. But, you can. If you’re going to be out of town, you can get an absentee ballot at

If you still aren’t sure, please call Dad at (435) 680-9853. That’s the same number I call, and he puts it on all of his materials because he wants to be as accessible to you as he is to his family. I’m not even a little bit jealous. I think that’s cool. If you are shy, go to or find him on Facebook at GilAlmquistUtah. And vote for him June 26. You won’t be sorry.

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