The old adage, “time heals all” may help to heal your pain, but there are also more immediate steps you can take to heal pain and let it go.
The old adage, “time heals all” may help to heal your pain, but there are also more immediate steps you can take to heal pain and let it go.

How to heal pain and let it go

The old adage, “time heals all” may help to heal your pain, but there are also more immediate steps you can take to heal pain and let it go.

Focusing elsewhere

Placing your focus on others and their needs is a great way to heal pain. Find out how you can be of service to those truly in need which will be healing for all. In addition, focusing your attention on a point of beauty outside yourself can lift you out of your pain. Even closing your eyes and imagining a point of light and then mentally zooming into that can bring relief to the body and mind.

Smile therapy

Mustering up a smile for others even when you don’t feel like it is a philanthropic way to heal your own pain. Others might need your smile more than you need to hang on to your pain. A good trick is consciously releasing worries, fears, regrets, and anger. The way to do that is to just imagine those emotions floating away from you. You can give a smile to yourself as well. Look into a mirror and into your own eyes. Find the love there, and smile for yourself. It feels good!

Let it go

If you are dwelling on something that didn’t go as expected, do what you can to make it right and then let it go. After you did your best to fix the situation, the only logical thing is to let it go. It serves no purpose to continue to feel guilty or upset about it. If you are stressing over something that hasn’t happened yet, let it go, knowing that all we truly have is this moment. If you are battling anger towards someone or even yourself, let it go. This is not condoning or allowing others’ wrong behavior, but it is doing something healing for ourselves. We are all children of God; some just aren’t very good at it for whatever reason. Surround yourself with people who are at least trying to be better. We don’t need to drag around the ball and chain of our wounds wherever we go. Detach from the drama.

Out-of-body experience

An out-of-body experience doesn’t have to be mystical or mysterious. It can be conscious and intentional. We are given the great gifts of free will and the power of imagination. We can lift ourselves out of distressing situations. Tuning in to feel the ever-enveloping love of God lifts us out of the human drama and heals our human pain. Choosing to lift ourselves up and out of our own world of wounds is beneficial to others as well. When we choose not to keep focusing on our own pain, we can instantly heal. Our wounds become out of mind, out of body, and out of sight!

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