Hidden Canyon TrailHidden Canyon Trail reopens

Visitors should use caution as additional rockfalls are possible in the area

Hidden Canyon Trail reopened this morning after being closed due to a rockfall July 20 consisting mainly of sand and small rocks. No one was injured. The area has experienced several similar rockfalls over the past month. According to a geologist who assessed the site, there is potential for sand and rock debris to continue falling in the area.

“The natural canyon-forming process is active every day in Zion,” said Superintendent Jeff Bradybaugh, “We ask visitors to heed all warnings, to pay attention to their surroundings and be careful.”

Angels Landing, Kayenta Trail, Upper Emerald Pools Trail, West Rim Trail from the Grotto trailhead to Cabin Spring, and the terminus of Lower Emerald Pools Trail remain closed due to major rockfalls that occurred July 11. National Park Service engineers visited the areas earlier this week and are assisting park staff in identifying strategies to fix or re-route the trails safely. Closures remain in effect due to unstable and unreliable trail integrity.

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