History’s longest war
Image: Library of congress / public domain

Since the dawn of human history, civilization has been at war, but history’s longest war has been on women.

This war of gender began even before the written word. But with the dawn of Christianity and its like-minded counterparts, this war continued with the mindset that it was approved by God himself.

When we look at the Bible, which some subset of Christianity believes is the word of God as told to its authors, evidence suggests that these extremist groups, which have all been male-dominated, are using the Bible to control humanity.

If, as some believe, the Bible is the word of God, then accordingly women are seductresses who must be controlled by men because they are so easily seduced by Satan—who is revered in all religious theories by different names as the devil who has involved the human race in a never-ending struggle between good and evil.

This fantasy began with the story of Eve, the devil’s alleged gatekeeper, who is seduced by the snake to bite the apple, which was the stated cause of man’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. But the worst of all religious dogma is found in the books of the Bible proclaiming women to serve the needs of man.

In the loving words of God, Genesis 3:16 reads, “To the woman I said, I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

In 1 Kings 11:3, collecting wives is endorsed while women themselves are degraded: “He [Solomon] had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.”

Among other atrocities suggested in Numbers 31:17-18, virgins are declared spoils of war: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

It’s suggested that women should not be heard in 1 Corinthians 14:34: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.” And the same book goes on to describe why, as “the glory of man,” women should cover their heads.

From these religious tenets, allegedly written by the hand of God, would any one not doubt that a woman and girl would become the spoils of war, subjugated to a male-dominated society where they are viewed in terms of a lesser value to society and the subject of gratification?

Would anyone doubt then why rape and sex trafficking with young girls is so prevalent globally?

In the U.S. alone, one out of every six American women has been the victim of rape in her lifetime, and 17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape. Seven percent of girls in grades 5-8 and 12 percent of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.

Women still cover their heads in church, bowing to the control of their male counterparts and an arcane belief that they remain second class citizens. This extends beyond Christianity to the religion of Islam, which take this tenet even further.

War enhances religious dogma. Men use the pretext of biblical opportunism to force women into servitude through forced prostitution and trafficking especially vulnerable are young girls.

Wherever there is war, women are the first to be sacrificed at the altar of man.

The UN peacekeepers are involved in prostitution and sex trafficking in every jurisdiction they have been engaged to protect. They are a flash point in the illegal sex trade of children.

Members of the UN peacekeeping force have been accused of procuring sex slaves for Bosnian brothels. These UN emissaries procured and managed children for the brothels and were themselves involved in sexual slavery and human trafficking. Allegations have gone even further and have reached UN involvement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where the sexual abuse of young girls continued.

Sexual abuse of children in the form of forced prostitution appears to be an integral part of areas torn by war; it has also been noted by NATO that troops deployed in Bosnia and Kosovo have been involved.

UN troops appear to favor forced prostitution in almost all environments where they have deployed.

On Aug 12, CBC News reported that General Babacar Gaye was fired after the latest scandal in which once again the issue relating to the UN peacekeepers was rape and murder.

Are rape and prostitution components of war?

ISIS systematically rapes Yezidi women and girls in northern Iraq. You know this is bad when even the UN acknowledges ISIS is killing, torturing and raping children.

During World War II, rape was commonplace in all forces engaged, both the allies and the axis, engendering a philosophy that war and rape have some common thread that creates this environment.

Even U.S. forces have been involved in sexual abuse of our own women in the military. According to a 2011 Newsweek report, women are more likely to be assaulted by a fellow soldier than killed in combat.

War has existed since the dawn of civilization. Disputes between governments have tended to reinforce the male domination of our world. There is no historical reference to any period in which the military have not used the women of the country for involuntary sex during war.

As Jennifer Latstetter has indicated, America is one of the biggest perpetrators of military prostitution. The U.S. has used prostitutes for military rest and recreation areas, in all war zones since Korea. Rest and recreation sites are government-funded brothels for our GIs. Apparently psychiatrists believe somehow this creates a sense of brotherhood among the soldiers.

But what about the women and young girls being victimized? Isn’t it time America, if we are truly a world leader, take a stance against this form of barbarism?

Human rights dictate that this victimization of women must be made a crime of war and dealt with in the same manner as Nuremberg, meaning that those in charge should face the consequences of their inaction. Until the military’s patriarchal leadership finds some alternate belief system, our own military will not be able to fully accept women—not only in combat but at all.

Next, serious issue must be taken with a book that advocates relegating women to a second-class status. Such a book can not validate its own existence by merely claiming it is the word of God.

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  1. It still astounds me that a man will risk his eternal salvation that would last an infinite length of time over a sexual encounter only lasting a few to several minutes. This makes me think that there is a misunderstanding of God’s laws. I feel when he says women are to be submissive to men he is also saying that men should be protectors of women. However, what we see is man interpreting God’s laws in an unrighteous way and harming those God was commanding them to protect.

  2. I am outraged and disgusted that you chose to use a picture of obviously defiled and murdered women. (Your picture shows a woman on the far right with her privates exposed and the second woman to the right with blood from her privates.)

    Jack Ferm, you have exploited those poor women in the picture and their families without regard for their dignity or the readers’ sensibilities in order to attract attention to your article. If the image depicted your daughter, mother, or sister in the same condition, would you have used it? Your callousness is shocking.

    You are no better than the other offenders cited in your article.

    • Hi,

      I chose the picture, not Mr. Ferm, so you may direct your ire toward me. Neither the picture nor the piece intends to tiptoe around your or anyone’s feelings. The subject matter is far more brutal than the image. These women and children are dead. They were raped before they were murdered. Rather than be abused in anonymity, I think that they would be happy to know that someone made some use of the tragedy to call attention to the fact that this happens all the time and that your taxpayer dollars fund it. If that were my mother, daughter, or sister, I would have all the more reason to use it, because these women ARE my mother, my daughter, and my sister. While I am sorry that you are offended, I can’t apologize for using the image. The dead can’t be exploited, and they care little about their decomposing genitalia, much less the merest glimpse of pubis. If this piece and the accompanying image, which were so offensive, have not moved the public to do something to stop our nation’s military from treating women this way, it would appear that neither was shocking enough.

      Jason Gottfried

  3. Your ghoulish exploitation of corpses, your written opinion, and subsequent reply to my comment shows your bias against our U.S. Military and Christianity. You have a right to your opinions but don’t expect to proceed unchallenged, especially when you base your opinions on unsubstantiated allegations.

    Your use of the photo from WWII, without citing the background information on the photo, insinuates the U.S. Military committed the crime (the photo was attributed to the Russian Army’s treatment of German citizens).

    • Accountable:
      You appear to have missed the whole point of the article, although you have every right to disagree with the opinion, (and can present your own facts where you believe I am incorrect) you can not disagree with the facts the opinion presents… You are trying to attack the messenger because you fear the reality of the message…that is understandable, the Photo draws attention to the problem, as it should. Arguing that it is really relating to the Russians in your mind means what? it excuses the US of the same conduct? I have no bias against the U.S. Military or Christianity, but I do have a bias against exploiting women and young girls, is it your defense that Rape and Murder should be permissible, because the Bible appears to condone it? I hope that is not your reality! I would add, if the Bible condones Rape and Murder, it can not be the work of any god but a false one!

      • (1) That’s a huge leap to an incorrect conclusion (that I somehow believe rape and murder should be permissible — seriously?). (2) There is a very real history of rape, torture, murder, and horror visited upon EVERYONE (men, women, and children) in wartime. (3) I’m not attacking you — I am calling you out on the flawed logic you used to support your opinion. (4) If you took the time to research the picture you used, you would find that it was attributed to war atrocities committed by the Russian Army against German civilians — no argument, just fact — I take issue with your inference that our Military was responsible for that crime. (4) You are using war crimes and violence against women in a thinly veiled attack on and villainization of our Military and Christianity. (6) Your bias subjugates any conveyance of outrage at atrocities perpetuated against women which leads me to believe your sole objective is to use women’s sufferings as a platform for you to voice your prejudices. Period.

        • Accountable
          This will be my last reply to your “Comment” Which I find to be very ambiguous at best: You claim I somehow have a bias against Christianity and the Military for pointing out a serious flaw in the bible “Numbers 31:17-18, virgins are declared spoils of war: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

          You appear to be defending this particular part of the bible (by claiming I am somehow against Christianity) for pointing it out!

          Where am I wrong? Is this not a part of the Bible? Instead you choose a diversion by attacking the photo used….which I find very interesting…

          Please explain if you can, why the quoted parts of the bible are in error. If not explain how arguing they offer evidence that rape and murder are permissible is an incorrect view, and lastly show where I am incorrect about the U.S. Military not engaging in this same conduct. You choose to attack a photo, a part of the message because as you claim “it was of Russian troops, not American troops”. Explain why this is so important to you that you feel a need to attack the message? This was a stock photo of rape and murder, during war, why was it not appropriate to use?

          Did American troops not engage in this same conduct? My research says they did, provide, if you can, evidence I am incorrect.

          You’re argument fails because you are in denial….and have presented no facts to report in opposition. Read my article entitled “Cognitive Dissonance” it explains why people, as you have, feel a need to attack the messenger when they can not attack the message. My entire argument was to make people think and hopefully to stand against Rape and Murder of woman and girls, and the horrors of war….but you chose rather then look at the reality of war, to attack me for authoring the article and the photo used.

          Hopefully you will realize how off point you have been. But if not I will allow you the final word on it.

  4. I was uncomfortable with that picture too, but war is ugly and we have to face the truth of it. War looks nothing like what they show you on TV. But it is not just the military that treat women this way. Domestic violence happens all the time, yes husbands rape their wives. It is not going to stop until women stand up for themselves – It starts with us – first we must learn to love and respect ourselves then … we must demand that we be treated with respect … The patriarchal society will change when the women change. Remember this one thing ladies: the book might say woman came from the rib of Adam but humankind has come from the womb of a woman! In the New Testament we see that Jesus was a revolutionary figure in many ways, but none was so astonishing as his way of relating to women. Even from his childhood, Jesus strove to place women on an equal footing with men. In his ministry, he commissioned women to teach and preach, elevating their status in a capacity in which women were not ordinarily respected.


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