Democratic Socialists
Half of America view the Republic as under attack in the 2020 election by enemies both foreign and domestic.

January 20th, the United States Became a Socialist Country.

– By Harold Pease, Ph.D. –

Our Founding Fathers knew that we would face enemies of the Republic, foreign and domestic, who would seek to overthrow us—even from within.  Normally this is seen as another country attacking us but does include ideologies to destroy the Republic and/or cyber warfare as is the case with China and Iran.  World War II was against Adolph Hitlers’ socialism and the Cold Wars (Korean and Vietnam) were also against socialism.  Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers died in these wars fighting socialism in other lands and now we are fighting it on our own soil.

For over a hundred years America has had a second enemy as well—world government presently referred to as globalism.  Neither socialism or globalism can coexist with a Constitutional Republic.  World government cannot rule the world with ANY country being first before it, as in Trump’s “American First” philosophy.  Socialism gives them centralized control of every human on earth.

Knowing that there would be enemies to freedom, thus treason, the Founders clearly defined it. “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” (Constitution, Article III, Section 3).  Any assistance to their efforts is treason.  Until recently socialism was aid and comfort.

So emphatic were they about loyalty to the Constitution that an oath of allegiance to it was required of all military personal and all taking state and federal office.  “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;…So help me God” (5 U.S. Code § 3331).

So adamant about loyalty to the Constitution, which is the foundation of our Republic, were they that after the Civil War they required anyone having once made this covenant denied further service if they had previously broken it.  “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislator, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof” (Constitution, 14th Amendment, Section 3).

Federal law on treason, sedition, and subversive activities gives further detail, “Whoever, owing [those who previously made this vow and broke it] allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”  Section 2382 adds anyone to this category “concealing information.”  Section 2383 adds anyone “inciting, or engages in insurrection.”  Section 2384 adds anyone who “conspires to treason”.  Section 2385 anyone who “knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States” (Sections 2381-2385 of Chapter 115—Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities).

Our Founding Fathers created a Republic with a Constitution which, in time, guaranteed freedom to all people under it.  This Republic is the rarest, prosperous and free form of government in the history of the world.  Their design was to prevent any other form of government from destroying it.  For a governmental officer to betray their oath to preserve the same for posterity was worthy of death.

Half of America view the Republic as under attack in the 2020 election by enemies both foreign and domestic.  They expected the above Constitutional parts, especially the 14th Amendment, to be applied to all the state legislators and governors, state and federal judges, who having made this covenant but refused to even look at ANY evidence of fraud, and members of Congress, who having taken this oath, knowingly certified fraudulent slates.  Now add known foreign intervention of at least six nations led by China, (Serbia, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Iran), with one major American political party acting as principle accomplice, interfered with the 2020 presidential election to install a socialist government in the U.S. to replace our Republic.

We are at cyberwar with Iran and China, whose election interference threatens our national security and is an act of war.  This is no longer just an election where some fraud occurred but an invasion from without and within to create a socialist government in the United States.  All the laws on treason now apply to anyone past or present, including members of Congress, who knowingly participated in this effort to overthrow this government.  The half that viewed the evidence will never go away or deny what they witnessed.

The other half of America refused to view or accept any of this, even the constitutional passages noted, and with their total control of all three branches of government plus 90% of media outlets and Internet platforms, will sweep away all evidence or censor the rest.  Their answer to the half who cannot deny what they have seen is censorship and reprogramming as it has always been for those who oppose socialism.  Socialists call these reeducation camps, freedom fighters call them concentration camps.

Today, January 20th, the United States became a socialist country.  If insurrection parts of the Constitution are ever used again, it is more likely to be used by socialists against patriots.

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  1. Democratic Socialism or Social Democracy is a far superior way of running the country than Capitalism or our present system…We only have to look at the Scandinavian countries to see how much better it is for the people…Our politicians’ refusal to do this and that our people allow them
    to do this is shameful!

  2. So, it was Trump Republicans who sought and failed to overthrow the Constitution on January 6 2022 in an attempt to install a socialist regime was it not?

  3. Another gross distortion of the facts. The question is “who is government for?” For years, it’s been disproportionately for the corporate and wealthy elite.

    Contrary to their rhetoric, Republicans love socialism! Not for the majority of us, but for their ultra-rich campaign donors.

    Fact-checked examples follow:

    Fossil fuel companies make enormous profits yet they receive billions in government subsidies, royalty relief, special tax breaks and research funding, all at taxpayers’ expense. When President Obama sought to end their subsidies, Republicans blocked his efforts.

    Amazon, a trillion dollar company, extracts millions of dollars in taxpayer funded economic incentives to build warehouses, but paid no federal taxes in 2017 and 2018.

    The Walton’s, America’s wealthiest family, receive massive government assistance because thousands of their underpaid Walmart employees are forced to rely on food stamps, Medicaid and other taxpayer funded programs.

    In 2017, Trump and the GOP enacted $1.9 trillion in tax giveaways, more than 80% of which benefit the wealthy elite.

    In tax year 2018, sixty of the largest U.S. corporations that earned billions in profits, paid zero federal taxes and collectively received $4.3 billion in rebates.

    As for hypocrisy, whenever Democrats propose legislation to improve lives for the majority – in areas like healthcare, living wages, jobs, retirement security, etc. – the Republicans shout “socialism” and proclaim it would destroy America. They’re obsessed with repelling any change to the rigged system that jeopardizes the greed and predatory practices of their paymasters, the corporate and wealthy elite.

    How does this impact us?

    In November 2019, a study by the non-partisan Brookings Institution found that 53 million Americans – 44% of workers aged 18-64 – have low-wage jobs with median annual earnings of $17,950. Most live hand to mouth and some work two or three jobs just to survive. Similarly, the Pew Research Center found the middle class has been shrinking for decades both in size and income.

    The Republican agenda has deliberately created enormous inequities. Our nation, one of the wealthiest in the world, has the largest income and wealth disparity and the second highest poverty rate among developed nations (although predominantly Republican, some Democrats contributed to these inequities).

    Clearly, if we want greater prosperity and improved quality of life for the vast majority of our people, the Biden administration and the Democrats offer the best promise we’ve had in years, even before Trump.

    • This time Harold – I agree with you 70%. The election was rigged ! WHAT Fulcanelli? Are you flip flopping? Not how you think. Rigged from the beginning by a political system that allows unlimited donations, undue sway and power from controlled/censored media platforms owned by a few billionaires, and lobbyists that manipulate our cleptocratic political class on behalf of a small number of Americans and foreign citizens. If you think it is Left vs Right then you have been played and perhaps as many as 98% of Americans have been FOOLED into believing it is US vs. THEM. It is also not some big conspiracy as many believe on both sides. Nope. It is a default structure and the underlying pattern is chaos. That is the truly sad part – (it is fixable) As Bo Gritz #1 Green Beret once stated prophetically many decades ago “Beggars cannot be choosers”. Burst the market bubble or burst the dollar? That is the question analogous to Shakespearian dialogue – – (to be or not to be? ~ America)

  4. Definition of socialism:

    a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

    We are not even close to socialism.

  5. Harold, you need to take off your tinfoil hat, turn off the Fox News channel and smell the roses. I sometimes enjoy your comments as comic relief, but now you just sound wacko. Take a deep breath….

  6. More coffee won’t do it for me! For Pease to use the most extreme form of socialism – Communism – to scare readers about what bodes for America’s future is outlandish. He also tries to tie Hitler to socialism, another scare tactic, which is odd given that we see more Hitlerism in the current “patriot” ranks storming the Capitol and elsewhere than we do in the liberal Democrats. Also, it doesn’t take much searching about Hitler’s position on socialism (in spite of his party’s name – National Socialist German Worker’s Party) to see that he did not support the kind of socialism that Pease “thinks” is headed our way. From: “In the many years since socialism entered English around 1830, it has acquired several different meanings. It refers to a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control, but the conception of that control has varied, and the term has been interpreted in widely diverging ways, ranging from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. In the modern era, “pure” socialism has been seen only rarely and usually briefly in a few Communist regimes. Far more common are systems of social democracy, now often referred to as democratic socialism, in which extensive state regulation, with limited state ownership, has been employed by democratically elected governments (as in Sweden and Denmark) in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth.” Denmark and Sweden – two countries identified as being socialist countries – rank 2nd and 7th, respectively, on a list of the 20 happiest countries listed by Forbes while the U.S. ranks 18t. So perhaps there is little to fear but more happiness!

    Additionally, Pease fears “globalism” and yet we must get along with others on this planet lest we all blow ourselves to bits! That doesn’t mean that we will necessarily have a world government telling the U.S. what to do.

    I will agree with Pease that half of American view the Republic as under attack in the 2020 election but not the same way he sees it. The officials and judges he references did look at the evidence around the election and found the accusations lacking any merit. Pease and others feel this led to installing a socialist government to replace the Republic? Where is the proof of this effort by the Democrats to overthrow our government? What Pease and others are doing is ignoring who stormed the Capitol on 1/6 in their effort to truly overthrow the government. That was “witnessed” by millions. Those facts were laid bare while his “evidence” is scanty at best and overblown at worst. Even Trump’s own judges, appointed under his own rule, could not “see” Pease’s evidence of wrongdoing in the election.

    I do not consider myself a “socialist” but do consider myself a “patriot” and find Pease’s position and words lacking in truth and of no help to this nation as we move forward. Stoking the fire of unrest is not the road to a peaceful and prosperous nation.

    • I didn’t know how to reply to the Doctor’s analysis at one cup Lisa. Nor after my second.
      Ever see the movie “Analyze This”?
      I appreciate your comment to those who depend on homilies and generalizations.

  7. The fact Harold has triggered everybody into defensive modes or outright ridicule is a good thing. The last opinion piece he wrote was outright garbagio but this one proves something – how each side only sees what they want to see. CNN lies. MSNBC lies. FOX lies. BUT POLITICIANS NEVER LIE – LOL Worse they all use classic NLP techniques (media) to reinforce the lies with charged emotional content. All of you go back to the drawing board. It is called being PUNKED. Feel free to attack me personally if ithat offends you. As I said in my original comment above both sides are being played.

  8. PS Josh W. – if you happen to get a mega offer to sell the Independent to a billionaire or large corporate interest, I won’t blame you for taking the $. It will not be the Independent anymore, but hey, it had its day in the Sun.The last bastion of free speech – small independent media is slowly dying as the pot heats up. . (You Tube as well)

  9. Reliable fact-check sources that adhere to stringent international standards for objectivity show that Fox News lies/distorts about 75% of the time – MSNBC about 25%. These fact-check sources state that Fox News is the “least accurate” of all cable news sources. As a propaganda machine for the political right, Fox has brought great harm to our democracy.

  10. PS Andrew – FOX is harmless and MSNBC is harmless as well. Think about it. Should have mentioned in above comment. What is harmful is not having an NBA / NFL / College Football / March Madness (yeah) etc due to an unfortunate pandemic. Sports matter! Ask anybody especially a BYU fan.


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