Jesus Christ Superstar
March 31st – April 5th
The Electric Theater
Presented By – The Stage Door
– By James McFadden –
Before I start; I feel it’s important you know I believe Jesus Christ is our Saviour and was crucified on a cross for our sins. That being said, I consider myself a Christian, I consider myself ‘Born Again’, and yes, although I was not raised LDS, I am an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Not that it should matter, nevertheless, I thought it was important to include this statement to help put things into context as I write in hopes that my thoughts and insights will reach a broader audience.
There is no disputing, Jesus is one of the most well-known names in religious history and the most famous literary character of all time. A common misconception about Jesus Christ Superstar is that it’s a blasphemous story about Jesus. Well, there’s something I hope you will come to understand. It may not be your typical telling of the familiar Biblical tale, but for many, it is the most thought-provoking reenactment of his life, ministry, and crucifixion from a perspective not found in the Bible, but through the eyes of Judas Iscariot.
Judas is perpetually painted as a horrible and evil figure. For many, this ‘truth’ has always been thought of as very black and white. Rarely, if ever, do we examine what I have come to consider, one of the most critical and necessary roles played when it comes to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. For if not for Judas, Christ may have never fulfilled his ministry.
The story is unusual, many of the lyrics may shock you, and nothing in the text of the play has been taken from the Bible. For many, Jesus is molded into a relatable character. He was, after all, just a man.
He had feelings for Mary, he got angry in the Temple, and he turned water into wine, not for some noble cause, but to please those around him. Oh, and there is Rock and Roll music which is why when it was first released it was considered irreverent and disrespectful.
For the record, that is what I thought when it came out in the ’70s and if you’ve made it this far, chances are you probably did too. However, I have come to appreciate the unique nature of this story, its perspective, and the opportunity it gives performers to reenact something rather profound.
Rehearsals for the show here in southern Utah started over a year ago. That’s right, over a year ago!… The show was originally slated to run in April of 2020 but it was postponed due to the COVID-19 shutdown. I was even considering a part in the play but life had other plans for me and for everyone else as it turns out.
This past week I had the opportunity to help build the set and meet some of the performers who will be out at The Electric Theater starting this week. I’m excited for them and for the unique opportunity, many people like yourself here in southern Utah will have to come see this show and experience, possibly for the first time, the beauty of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s vision. I hope you will join me at the show!
Get your tickets to the show by clicking here.
About Jesus Christ Superstar
The first musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice to be produced for the professional stage, Jesus Christ Superstar has wowed audiences for almost 50 years. A timeless work, the rock opera is set against the backdrop of an extraordinary and universally-known series of events but seen, unusually, through the eyes of Judas Iscariot. Loosely based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Superstar follows the last week of Jesus Christ’s life. The story, told entirely through song, explores the personal relationships and struggles between Jesus, Judas, Mary Magdalene, his disciples, his followers, and the Roman Empire.
About The Stage Door.
The Stage Door seeks to “INSPIRE, EDUCATE and TRANSFORM”. We provide education and training in voice, dance, and theater arts for ages 5-99 and our services are available to the community regardless of their ability to pay. Amateur performers and technicians are mentored and trained by seasoned professionals in their respective fields. The professional artist works alongside the amateur actor to provide quality entertainment offerings to the community.
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