Just Put The Damn Mask On
By Ed Kociela
Ignorance is not bliss, especially when lives are on the line.
And, there is a wealth of ignorance breeding in the state of Utah as residents castigate the governor for declaring a state of emergency in the Beehive State to set up new guidelines for the losing fight against COVID-19.
Developed with assistance from the Utah Department of Health, the new directive includes a mandate for all Utahns to wear a mask in public or within six feet of anybody they do not live with; limits casual social gatherings to members within the same household until Nov. 23; cancels all extra-curricular activities for the next two weeks, with exemptions for intercollegiate events and high school championships; and weekly COVID-19 testing for students enrolled in public and private institutions of higher education who live on campus or attend at least one in-person class each week.
Look, it simply makes sense. Medical services are stressed throughout the state with record numbers of cases being registered on a daily basis. Something had to be done, even if it bucked populist extremism.
The message should be clear by now, after more than 200,000 nationwide deaths, that wearing a mask is not a political statement. It is a medical statement underscored by scientists who have told us for months now that masks are the most effective way to protect ourselves and others. It doesn’t matter what political leaders or whack-job extremists say, it works.
You see, it is one thing to be defiant and quite another to be stupid. Not wearing a mask is stupid. We have seen that in our cities and towns. We have seen it in the White House, for God’s sake, which has proven to be a hotbed for COVID-19 as even the president, supposedly the most protected individual in the world came down with the disease. Hopefully, the grand old building will be sufficiently scrubbed before the new tenants arrive in January. It desperately needs it to remove the stench and disease of the last four years.
I always thought we were designed to preserve the species, to protect ourselves and grow. You know, the survival of the fittest is ensured by the survival of the most intelligent.
And, now since the agitator in chief has been given the boot, perhaps it will no longer be deemed as a politically correct statement to wear a mask, although I doubt it, particularly in places like Utah where intelligence seems to be a felony.

This comes on the heels of a demand by the Utah Education Association to suspend all in-person classes at junior high and high schools in the state through the end of the year.
This, again, isn’t some politically motivated demand as several secondary schools in the state have exceeded the 15-case threshold set by the health department as a mark to close each school or two weeks.
Look, we’ve had enough politics to last us for quite some time. Even a political junkie like me has reached the OD point after the election, which continues with spurious claims and assertions.
I have several friends who have been accosted at the grocery store for wearing masks, which is astounding.
First, what gives the anti-maskers the right to be so rude and crude as to verbally assault a young mother buying groceries, an older couple picking up prescriptions, the guy running to the hardware store for some home repair items?
More importantly, what kind of knowledge base do they have to contradict the relentless science we have on COVID-19? The best scientific minds in the world have begged us to wear masks for months now and we have seen how many of those exposed to the disease unmasked, whether at a motorcycle rally, a political rally, or social protest, have contracted the disease. There is overwhelming evidence being denied.
I am not a fan of Gov. Gary Herbert. I have a vastly different political and cultural background and belief system. But, he is right about this.
The biggest problem, of course, is in enforcement. What can a shopkeeper do if somebody refuses to wear a mask other than to refuse service? The only alternative is to call the cops and have the offender removed for trespassing. If the cops show up at all, that is.
The state is at an all-time high when it comes to cases. Utah hospitals are at crisis levels of occupancy.
Yet, there is a segment of the population that steadfastly refuses to comply with a common sense proven response to this pandemic.
I can understand the frustration. Like anybody else, I don’t like the limitations placed upon us by COVID-19 and the steps being taken to reduce and stop its spread. I don’t like wearing a mask. It makes it difficult to breathe and it is inconvenient. I know I have been halfway down the block and heading for the store for some groceries when I suddenly realize that I left my mask at home and had to turn back and get it. I’m no social butterfly, but I don’t like the fact that my favorite restaurants or nightspots were closed and are now limited to how many patrons they can serve. But, I abide because I know that there is this thing we call the greater good, this pressing need to take care of not only ourselves but those we encounter. And, I am certainly not going to place my stubborn ideals above the good of those with whom I come in contact. It just isn’t right.
So, stop being obstinate. Stop being contrary.
Wearing a mask is not a political statement.
If you have been one of those barking about how all lives matter prove that by thinking of others and covering up. We won’t, I promise, think any less of you. In fact, we will respect you for your kindness.
So shut up and put the damn mask on.
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