In Michael Reagan's "Blame Congress, not the Border Patrol," he points to "liberal" and "media" and "Democrat" as being to blame for our "border crisis."
In Michael Reagan’s “Blame Congress, not the Border Patrol,” he points to “liberal” and “media” and “Democrat” as being to blame for our “border crisis.”

Letter to the editor: Re: “Blame Congress, not the Border Patrol

The writer, Michael Reagan, reveals his “conservative” prejudice, using the dog-whistle words like “liberal” and “media” and “Democrat” as being to blame for our “border crisis.”

Unfortunately, Mr. Reagan never answers the question, “Why do the illegals come here?” Do you suppose it is because businesses will hire them?

I have been saying for over 40 years, if you don’t want economic illegal immigration, DON’T HIRE THEM.

Blaming Democrats or Republicans for this problem is disingenuous to say the least. It is time to acknowledge the problem, attack it at its source, the employer, and forget walls and border patrol agents and militarization of the border.

In addition, a prosperous, politically stable Latin America would go a long way toward solving our immigration problem.

Jim Little

St. George

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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