You know the Governor's Office ... it's part of the Utah theocracy. I guess they like the wealthy more than the working members of the flock.Good luck ending that, and here's hoping your children have some money to help you out during your old age in the state of Utah.
You know the Governor’s Office … it’s part of the Utah theocracy. I guess they like the wealthy more than the working members of the flock.Good luck ending that, and here’s hoping your children have some money to help you out during your old age in the state of Utah.

Letter to the editor: Local opinion writers highlight Utah theocracy accurately

What a pleasure to read the carefully-located trilogy of opinion pieces in the April Independent! First was Ed Kociela’s piece on the Utah theocracy, explaining its power and glory magnificently, despite the fact that he wants it to end. Then Howard Sierer showed the results of unquestioned assent to the authority of the theocracy, which “encourages” having as many children as one can: labor force growth that is triple that of the U.S. as a whole and economic expansion of 2.8 percent a year vs. 2.2 percent for the country. Sierer states that “Utah is on a roll, leaving much of the rest of the country behind.”

Kociela would probably reply that making women “broodmares for the state” (George Carlin’s term) might result in a bigger labor force but might not be the best thing for the families. We can use Kociela’s figures to check this out. If Utah has triple the labor force growth, it should have roughly triple the economic expansion to keep up with the rest of the country: 2.8 percent vs. 2.2 is way less than triple (1.3, roughly), which is so far from triple it means that in Utah the average family may well be losing ground economically. Maybe that big family is necessary so there will be someone to help out when the parents get older, especially if as the theocracy desires, governmental programs like Social Security are kept to a minimum.

But wait, there’s the third op-ed in which Lisa Rutherford explains Sierer’s excitement. For while the average Joe and his family are suffering, those with money to invest in “opportunity zones” will be able to put money into the St. George area with special financial breaks including no taxes on their capital gains. Why? Because St. George is somehow classified as a “hurting community” and one of the “communities that have been left behind” by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. You know the Governor’s Office … it’s part of the Utah theocracy. I guess they like the wealthy more than the working members of the flock.

Good luck ending that, and here’s hoping your children have some money to help you out during your old age in the state of Utah.

—Dr. James Laughner

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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  1. And then there is that fool deep down in the comment section of SGI that no one reads except on rare occasions. All he wants, is to get access to his favorite light beer – i.e. the evil Coors light 4.2%, that requires refrigeration throughout the supply chain. Dr Laughner, the real truth is in the fine print and footnotes. Go back and read the comments. Wise up. When a religious institution through political power blocks your favorite beer, soon to be off the market in its 3.2% format, that makes it personal. The devils in the details my friend. All I can say, is I have contacted Molson Coors for a solution.

  2. Let’s add 1 more thing. The historical Jesus (3-4?) surely drank wine and no doubt beer as well. The Egyptians drank beer. During the middle ages beer was the goto beverage due to water contamination. IF IT IS ABOUT SAFETY, i.e. DUI etc, then the Mormon Theocratic Utah government should have supported and backed the recent cellphone distracted driving legislation which failed. Did they care about lives? Driving on a cellphone = 2+ 4.2% beers. Hmmmm. Let that judgement call go straight to the God of hypocrisy whoever that is. In the end, all of us are only ordinary men, AND WOMEN. No exceptions.


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