Before one buys Harold Pease's argument comparing "socialism" with whatever Hugo Chavez was selling the people of Venezuela, look at what is being proposed.
Before one buys Harold Pease’s argument comparing “socialism” with whatever Hugo Chavez was selling the people of Venezuela, look at what is being proposed.

Letter to the editor: Misunderstanding socialism

Before one buys the spurious argument Harold Pease makes, comparing “socialism” with whatever Hugo Chavez was selling the people of Venezuela, look at what is being proposed.

It’s not about free stuff, it’s about doing right by the citizens, all the citizens. It is about equity of opportunity, not greed and privilege.

Green revolution, an investment in the U.S. and our infrastructure. Reducing greenhouse gases. Becoming a responsible partner with the rest of the world. Medical care for all. Using tax money for the good of the citizens of the United States.

Radical! Unheard of! Not really, a Democrat (FDR) and a Republican (Eisenhower) did these things. One got us out of a depression, the other led the forces of freedom to victory over the Nazis, and built the socialist interstate highway we use and enjoy today.

Both of these presidents brought great improvements in the economy and the well being of our citizens.

This is far different than a dictator taking what he can to buy the affection of the masses. (Like ancient Rome.)

No, when thinking about socialism, think the Scandinavian model, Germany, Japan, whose societies are very pro-capitalism yet find that they can provide for their citizens and reap capitalist profit.

Jim Little

St George

The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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