Given that many folks are staying home this holiday season, it’s good to know that there’s plenty of Christmas movies you can watch from the comfort of your own couch! As a refresher, here’s a list of 5 golden holiday standards that are sure to fill you with a healthy dose of Christmas spirit over the next month.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
With all due respect to “It’s Wonderful Life,” I’m going with “A Christmas Story” as my all-time favorite holiday film. I never would have guessed that Bob Clark (the man behind the irreverent teen opus “Porky’s” as well as the early slasher opus, “Black Christmas”) could be capable of such seasonal bliss. “A Christmas Story” is so full of memorable moments (the tongue sticking to the pole, Ralphie getting kicked in the face by Old Saint Nick, mom sucking on a bar of soap, etc.) that it would be near impossible to point them all out in a boring little blurb so I’ll quit while I’m ahead. For all its classic moments, though, my favorite aspect of this picture is its sweet-natured (and surprisingly edgy) glimpse into the innocence of youth. A magical film, and one I never get tired of.
Sidenote: While “A Christmas Story” is available on Blu-Ray and DVD as well as various streaming services, it should be mentioned that FMASU will present a free screening of this classic at the historic Electric Theater on Tuesday, December 15th at 6 PM.
Have you ever pondered what life might be like if you were never born? George Bailey (played by the legendary Jimmy Stewart) does just that in Frank Capra’s essential holiday classic. In fact, this movie is so good, it really transcends the holiday genre altogether, but Christmas is when it’s most widely viewed. Simply put, this is one of the all-time greats!
“Christmas Vacation” is essential Christmas time viewing! Further still, this is probably Chevy Chase’s last great film vehicle (although I’ve always been a fan of the underappreciated “Memoirs of an Invisible Man”), and he makes the most of it. After making a mess of Wally World and taking Europe by storm, it seemed only fitting that the Griswalds would turn Christmas upside down in the final installment of the trilogy. Yes, I said trilogy. As far as I’m concerned, the series ended here. ” Vegas Vacation” never happened.
I adore this movie. As a kid, I viewed it religiously every holiday season. With a wonderfully warm performance by Edmund Gwenn as Kris Kringle, this is just one of those flicks that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And Natalie Wood is simply adorable as the precocious little Susan, a youngster who desperately wants to believe in Santa Claus. A must-see. And for what it’s worth, I’m actually quite fond of the 1994 remake starring the late Richard Attenborough as well! A solid updating of a true classic.
Of the few contemporary holiday films to hit theaters in the last twenty years or so, “Elf” is my favorite. Will Ferrell is sweet, charming, and childlike as the clueless elf, Buddy. With a simplistic, fish out of water story, “Elf” cruises along on a healthy dose of Christmas spirit. A terrific, light-hearted film for the whole family. All hail a pre-“Iron Man” John Favreau!
HONORABLE MENTION; “Home Alone,” “White Christmas,” “Scrooge,” “The Muppet Christmas Carol,” “Scrooged,” “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles,” “Home For the Holidays,” “Holiday inn,” and “Santa Claus: The Movie.”
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