Orchestra of Southern Utah presents patriotic gala for 9/11
By Sara Penny
Fall recitals welcome you to another exciting musical season in Cedar City. For 22 years, the Orchestra of Southern Utah has hosted a community recital series to showcase local talent each Tuesday in September at 7:30 p.m. at a new location, 2111 N. Main St., near the Lighthouse Restaurant. From jazz to classical music, this series feature celebrates music, and a patriotic gala is set for Sept. 11 directed by Marla McMaster.
The Beaver Women’s Choir presents World War II era favorites including “Boogie Woogie” Bugle Boy with trumpet soloist Rich McMaster. “Blue Moon” features a vocal quartet of Sunny Chen, Rimi Fletcher, Marla McMaster, and Kathleen Hutchings.
Native American dancers will perform as well as the flute group from the Paiute Tribe.
Ethan Calvasina will perform fiddle music, and a brass quartet presents the “Marine Hymn” as well as popular music from Super Mario Brothers. The group consists of OSU musicians John Ries, Debbie Nollan, Rich McMaster, and Gary Player.
The Color Country Winds, directed by Harry Taylor, will perform “Ghost Riders in the Sky,” “Birdland,” and the theme from “Hawaii Five-O.”
For more information contact OSU manager Rebekah Hughes at (435) 592-6051 or osucedarcity@gmail.com.
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