CARTOON: "Make America Fear Again"From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Make America Great Again,” Republican fearmongering and extreme political division

I’m going to be drawing a lot of cartoons this week. Maybe I’ll take a day off in August or September … or after the election.

When I was a kid and up to being a young adult, I always thought political parties had the same goal of wanting what’s best for our country while disagreeing about the best ways to do it. They’d go so far as to call the other side extreme or out of touch.

Today they label each other as enemies. To be fair, it’s not just the Republicans. They’ve had eight years of blind rage, lies, and racism directed toward President Obama (birthers, questioning his religion, gazillion dollar taxpayer-funded vacations, etc), and countless investigations to destroy Hillary Clinton.

Today the Republican nominee for president says there’s something going on with the current president regarding violence toward police and terrorism. He’s accused Obama of being born in Kenya. He calls his opponent a liar and a crook.

The theme for the first night of the Republican convention was “Make America Safe Again.” It was more like making America paranoid. They went beyond describing the nation as currently unsafe, saying that the president has failed and doesn’t understand and that their opponent is dangerous. They accused Hillary Clinton of murder and said she belongs in prison.

So yeah. I’m going to be drawing a lot of cartoons this week.



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