Premature Recovery
Premature Recovery by Monte Wolverton, Battle Ground, WA

With all the talk and planning to reopen parks and some businesses, do you think we’re ready or do you think we’re getting ahead of ourselves?

How do you feel about plans to re-open America?


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  1. Perhaps if Trump wasn’t openly sabotaging his own administration’s guidelines for re-opening the economy we might stand a chance. But Trump isn’t looking out for anyone’s well-being but his own – typical of this malignant narcissist. He sends a text about liberation and the second amendment and then there are ignorant people protesting on the steps of a state capitol wearing Halloween masks and carrying weapons. They carry those weapons to intimidate while protesting against the State that is acting to protect the community from a very fast-spreading, contagious virus.
    Then there are the ignorant people who think the Atonement of Jesus protects them from COVID-19, and the intellectually challenged who can’t find anything to do at home without drinking or napping all day, and the lunatics who stockpile ammo in a small underground shelter they dug in their backyard and believe Trump over the majority of the news outlets (except for the right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories network known as “FOX”, and other right-wing media) and openly ignoring social distancing, put themselves in danger but they are also jeopardizing their entire communities where they live yet they are too ignorant to arrogant to care. If you don’t care about yourself, then have some respect for your neighbors and stay the hell home or wear gloves and a mask and wash your damn hands.

  2. Sadly, your letter falls on many deaf ears. Those who understand that social isolation and distancing are important are following the logic of care and practicality. The others never will follow because they can’t or won’t for a various number of reasons. The only hope is to take care of one’s self and those who are house mates.
    Remember to include a single friend often by calling or helping in whatever way you can. Too many singles were already isolated and even more so now.


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