One Year Later
Joe Biden – One Year Later… Another year has passed us by, never to return. So how are you feeling about 2022? Hopeful, fearful, or just plain ol’ Meh…

One Year Later…

One Year Later - Are We Better Off?It has been one year since Joe Biden took the oath of office as the President of the United States. Do you think things have gotten better or do you think things are now worse?

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  1. Richard, Anyone with an IQ of 70, or higher, who has been paying attention the last couple of years, MUST agree with you. I am very upset that Biden and his cronies still have another three years to continue dismantling our America. God help us!

  2. Richard and Jane,

    You are rude and ignorant. Please refrain from public posting, get an education and please don’t have children. My Mother would wash your mouth out with soap.

  3. Hi, Henry! I have a PhD; this is America, with Freedom of Speech, and at your age, if you are still bringing up your MOMMY, you obviously have a pathetic MOMMY fetish and are, perhaps, in dire need of a shrink. Have a Happy Day Momma’s Boy!


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