Biden, Feinstein and McConnell Hang On To Power - By Dick Wright
Biden, Feinstein and McConnell Hang On To Power – By Dick Wright
Time For Legislative Branch Term Limits?With the recent passing of Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) at 90 years old - Do you think it is time to pass serious term limit legislation?

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  1. Add – a complete overhaul of campaign finance laws and funding practices. I.e. .. political campaign reform that recends the damage of rulings like Citizen United that blatantly allow unlimited donations from billionaires and corporations to be back channeled to politicians running for office. The answer – crowd funding -technology and a limited donation per US Citizen. Sorry corporations – you are not US Citizens nor human beings either. Alas we can’t even get Congress to reform potential inside trading issues regarding owning stocks and bonds… (See Nancy P… posterchild) … So don’t hold your breath America. It is still a UFC battle of billionaires : ) sincerely Mr Nobody

  2. Members of the legislative branch need to be limited to two terms in office! It is very easy for them to become very comfortable with the perks of political office: power, speaking engagements, and insider stock trading, to name a few. They quickly become millionaires. The hold on to office for their own benefit, not to be public servants. They do not want to give up their cushy, rarely productive positions and actually earn a living. Laws are needed which require them to move on.


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