Davina Smith
As a current resident of Kanab, and having grown up in Southern Utah, I’m proud to support Davina Smith for Utah State House District 69.

Publishers Perspective – Davina Smith

– By Josh Warburton –

As a current resident of Kanab, and having grown up in Southern Utah, I’m proud to support Davina Smith for Utah State House District 69. Davina brings a unique combination of experiences that we sorely need in our state government. Having grown up in Monument Valley without running water or electricity and having lived through the challenges of Indian Boarding School, she understands the real and diverse struggles that many Utahns face.

Davina Smith - District 69
Davina Smith – District 69

Her work in healthcare, education, and the nonprofit sector has given her the practical knowledge to address key issues that affect us all. I’m particularly impressed by her commitment to improving education across Utah. Davina believes every child deserves a quality education, no matter where they live, and she’s passionate about making that a reality. Her dedication to increasing healthcare access for rural Utahns is equally important in ensuring the well-being of our communities.

She also understands that many of us are struggling with the costs of living and it’s one of the reasons she supports repealing the tax on food. She also supports lowering taxes overall for working families and would also work to repeal taxes on Social Security in Utah, one of only ten states still does that.

Davina’s balanced approach to protecting our public lands is another reason she has my vote. She listens to all sides and works to find solutions that consider the needs of everyone involved, from recreationists to business owners and local residents. She’s not just a strong leader—she’s a great listener and problem solver, willing to hear anyone’s ideas to find common ground.

I encourage my fellow residents in HD 69 (all of Kane, Garfield, Wayne, San Juan, Grand, and most of Emery Counties) to support Davina Smith. She’s the leader we need to advocate for our rural communities and build a stronger future for all of Utah.

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