The Independent's 26th Anniversary
The Independent’s 26th Anniversary

The Independent’s 26th Anniversary

– By Josh Warburton –

As I write this, Russia invaded Ukraine about five days ago. It’s practically been the only thing on newscasts as  I’ve tuned in over the past week, and it may have some significant repercussions. Predictions range from increased gas prices leading to higher overall costs and increased inflation to all-out World War III.

For some, this incursion is of little consequence as most of our lives remain unchanged so far, especially compared to the conditions for citizens of the occupied territories. Others I talk to have spoken of a looming recession, a draft, even armageddon.

I’m no authority, and I have no background to speak to the situation outside of my most simple general observations. It is unfortunate to see this event happening in a world where most countries and peoples are content to trade commodities, work towards common goals, and share medicines and technologies. War is hell, no one should want it, and military conflicts have far-reaching effects and lasting consequences.

I hope we can unite behind the notion that no sovereign country should have its borders violated, its people attacked and killed, or its very existence threatened. While I hope this conflict ends soon and without further bloodshed, I also hope we don’t ourselves have to intervene as that really could take us into a worldwide conflict. Disputes that will undoubtedly disrupt all of our lives when we’re just starting to return to normal after two years of the pandemic.

Despite all this unfortunate news, this issue marks The Independent’s 26th anniversary, a bright note during a discouraging time. As we celebrate another year in southern Utah, with people feeling freer and safer to come out, mingle, and enjoy entertainment. I’m feeling pretty optimistic.

That said, I’m imagining this year could be a booming one for arts and events locally and all over, barring, say, another pandemic or a world war (historically, when you read this, I’m joking). My assessment has been that attendance to events may eclipse historic totals as people get to express a pent-up desire for live music, theater, festivals, etc., after such a weird time for all of those things.

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing some great bands, dancing my butt off, consuming some unhealthy festival food, and drinking lots of tasty beers at events this year. You might even catch me performing at one…nothing booked yet, but I’m having lots of fun jamming with a great crew in Kanab.

I’m also hoping to expand my horizons this year. Maybe work on a political campaign or initiative. Maybe start a podcast. Maybe record an album of original tunes. I haven’t decided quite yet, and I’m open to seeing what else flows my way. Because if I’ve come to know one thing about life, it’s that you can’t predict it. I didn’t know Putin would invade Ukraine, although it looked like he was going to for weeks. And we don’t know if another wave of the pandemic is coming. But here’s something I do know…the world will continue to spin, and life will continue. We can’t control what happens, but we can control our reactions to it. So stay calm, and carry on. Look what we’ve already been through together. Big hugs!

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  1. Amen ! Vegetable garden in my future. I am plant challenged – so hoping I can pull it off. Just learned Davinci Resolve over last 2 months (Free video software but acquired paid version) So if you record original tunes, I will volunteer to make your music video. Zion music festival – cannot wait! Congrats on upcoming 26th anniversary.


    .My only music video to make it on YouTube-.
    Aversion. – Restless records – Falling Full Circle.
    Quality. Shot in high 8 Cannon L1 and edited old school 3/4 SP… (B4 non-linear editing) Part of television pilot I co-produced in early 90s with Samuel Z Arkoff. Found it on You Tube a few years ago.

  3. Glad I looked up this old video on YT and watched again. Did not realize somebody had actually stole it and added a final edit on the end claiming to have directed it! Lol… What a world we live in ! Theif – I Cry! Well , contacting the band and may have to get it removed from YouTube Left some nice comments for the channel , who’s owner probably just uploaded from somewhere else. Copyright infringement is par for the course nowadays. If they leave a disclaimer in the comment section, I may keep it out there. It”s over 30 years old. Depends on the answer I get. Super low resolution – needs 4K upscaling for sure. (OK – absolutely last comment for awhile – LOL.. ) Death Valley – 80s best week!

  4. Just got it fixed. Either channel owner or YT edited end of video and the fraudster’s claim to my creation is gone inro oblivion. I forgive him – kind of. And I thought I would only have to worry about Death and taxes. (OK absolutely the last finisimo comment for awhile) PS. not “best week” ~ ‘meant ‘next week’.. and yes to reiterate offer stands – but caveat .. must be NEW 2022 material.


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