Publishers Perspective Vaccines
The good news is this seems to be happening right now as vaccination rates have started to increase again all over the country, and specifically in places with low vaccination rates.

Publishers Perspective

– By Josh Warburton –

As I’m writing this, I just heard the news that the CDC is recommending mask-wearing inside where appropriate, even for people who are fully vaccinated. A punch in the gut for those looking forward to getting back to a sense of normalcy, which I think is all of us.

Sadly, the new Delta variant seems quite a bit more contagious. Although vaccinated folks are mostly protected from getting a severe illness, it turns out that a small percentage of vaccinated people are getting infected with the new strain, which now accounts for the overwhelming percentage of new cases in the U.S.

That said, it’s being hailed a pandemic of the unvaccinated since most contracting the Delta Variant are, well, unvaccinated. Now before you get all uppity and yell, “it’s those damn anti-vaxxers that are the problem!” Just remember, as it currently stands, children under 12 cannot be vaccinated, as with others, like a close family member who has a particular medical condition and their doctor is recommending they not get the vaccine, at least not yet.

So, while I think it’s fair to blame people who do not have any medical conditions preventing them from being vaccinated, keep in mind, those who might pay the ultimate price may not have the choice to get vaccinated as of yet.

If you’re one of those folks still choosing not to get vaccinated, I know you have your reasons. I have spoken to many friends who are not yet vaccinated and have heard many arguments… not the least of which is that the vaccine is still new, and long-term side effects are still unknown. I also have friends who question its efficiency or believe it may be part of a global plan of some kind to control or even kill people.

As time has passed, I think these arguments are holding less and less validity. I’m not questioning how people “feel” about the rate the vaccine was produced, its current “emergency use authorization,” or that entities from around the world may have been involved with the production of the vaccine. Still, at this point, it seems fair to say the vaccine is effective. As for long-term effects, I’m risking them like everyone else getting the vaccine, I suppose. And even though I was not vaccinated as a child (my older sis had some poor reactions and my hippy parents opted not to vaccinate me), I jumped at the chance to get the vaccine once it was available to me. And while I appreciate you reading this and hearing me out, I highly doubt I’ve convinced anyone who isn’t already convinced. That said, do you know who you should listen to? Your doctor. If you have questions or concerns about the vaccine, call your doctor. They have the latest up-to-date info on side effects, efficacy, etc., and just like paying a good lawyer… you should probably consider following their advice. Or, if you don’t have a doctor, call a trusted friend in the medical field if you have one. Or study, ponder, and/or pray on the best sources of info you can find, and trust the science.

The good news is this seems to be happening right now as vaccination rates have started to increase again all over the country, and specifically in places with low vaccination rates.

I’m not a medical doctor, and I’m not qualified to give medical advice… but you know who is? Your own trusted family doctor. I’m going to go back to doing whatever we publishers do.

Happy reading, folks.

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  1. There is now a new delta+ varient in SF. We now have confirmation from US govt that Wuhan lab leak in fall of 2019 was the source of the pandemic.. So… see head of Wuhan lab warning: – one link is provided below, or for you Newsmax leaning folks, you can go to zerohedge and dig up their article. As in 1919 influenza epidemic the virus got worse in the 2nd & 3rd waves. Our lovely Covid chimera virus is a different animal – man made… (See early nickname – ninja virus) It is not fearmongering to say SARS CoV 2 could potentially mutate into a more deadlier and more infectious variant. I will let the reader figure out the ramifications. Josh’s words above may save lives.


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