Scooter Regulation

Scooter Regulation, lime, bird, electric scooters, dockless scooters, transportation, pedestrians, danger, regulation, traffic
Scooter Regulation, Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer, NC

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  1. Sadly I predict 1 scooter fatality within a year they go online in St George. Hope I am wrong, but as a former safety director this town is way too dangerous. Recently we had a skateboarder hit on SG Blvd. The driver could not have avoided it. So take scooters that go 15-17 mph and add tourists from out of town to the equation that have no idea how crazy the driving is in this town , the outcome will be injuries. As the author of two letters to the editor regarding traffic safety to this media platform, I urge Mayor Pike to reconsider. I think this is a big mistake. Don’t get me wrong, electric scooters are fun, but st George is not conducive. Mark these words. Ignore them and when the day comes, I hope you accept responsibility for your stupid idea. Archive this reply please as it will be called out one day.


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