Now it’s been reported that Utah Highway Patrol has been stopping people going 100 mph and more. Excessive speeding and fatal crashes are way up in Utah this year, according to UHP. 2020 saw a 29% increase in citations for those going over 100 mph.

Speeding and Deaths in Utah

– By Lisa Rutherford –

Several years ago, the Utah Legislature passed a bill increasing the speed on some of Utah’s highways from 75 mph to 80 mph, and more highways have been added since then.  It was argued then that the increase was merely to match the speed at which most drivers in Utah were going, which was slightly over 80mph. Unfortunately, the bill received strong support in both the House and the Senate, with the exception of several Democrats, including former Representative Patrice Arent and current Representative Joel Briscoe, former senators Pat Jones and Brian Shiozawa.

Now it’s been reported that Utah Highway Patrol has been stopping people going 100 mph and more. Excessive speeding and fatal crashes are way up in Utah this year, according to UHP. 2020 saw a 29% increase in citations for those going over 100 mph.

During my lifetime, people continually “inched” over the posted speed. Since people were driving slightly over 80 mph when the posted speed was 75 mph, our legislators should have had the wisdom to know that people would drive faster than 80 mph when that was posted. The test studies done in the first areas where the speed was increased showed that people were only going slightly over 80 mph. So, apparently, our wiser-than-wise legislators assumed that trend would continue even when faced with the evidence that people have driven over the speed limit and some considerably over the speed limit ever since cars entered our lives. It was mentioned at a bill committee hearing that the bill’s purpose was not to change behavior but to match behavior.  So much for that.

However, they did not consider the tendency of humans to become accustomed to the new speed limit and adjust their behaviors accordingly. Given that troopers and others have been inclined to include a “fudge factor” when it comes to stopping speeders, many drivers now feel that they can drive 5 to 10 to even 20 mph over the posted speed and get off. In fact, the Utah Highway Patrol commented at one committee hearing on the HB80 bill that they do lower the fudge factor as the speed increases but then added that most of the time, they just give warnings. What effect did that have? Apparently, none, but UHP has lost their sense of humor about it now. And with good reason.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of the National Institute of Health, published a study on “Long-Term Effects of Repealing the National Maximum Speed Limit in the United States.” They found a 3.2% increase in road fatalities attributable to the raised speed limits on all road types in the United States. The highest increases were on rural interstates (9.1%) and urban interstates (4.0%).” They estimated that increases in speed limits across the nation contributed to 12,545 deaths and 36,583 injuries. Their conclusion was that “Reduced speed limits and improved enforcement with speed camera networks could immediately reduce speeds and save lives, in addition to reducing gas consumption, cutting emissions of air pollutants, saving valuable years of productivity, and reducing the cost of motor vehicle crashes.” Additionally, the higher-speed driving on highways results in higher speeds on connecting interurban roads and even urban roads due to a spillover effect that may persist for some time.

For several years UDOT has had their “Zero Fatalities” program in an effort to help save lives on our roads. But, as the “Zero Fatalities” website reveals, traffic fatalities are rising on Utah’s roads: “According to preliminary estimates from the UDOT, traffic fatalities in 2020 increased by 11% to a total of 276, while the number of cars on the road decreased by 13% in 2020.” UDOT blames distracted driving, aggressive driving (includes driving too fast), drowsy driving, impaired driving (included even prescription drugs), and not wearing seatbelts. Yes, all of these are problems, but they are exacerbated by driving too fast, and our increased speed limits compound the problem. Driving at 85 might have been seen as aggressive driving when the posted limit was 75mph. Now, driving at 85 is seen as normal.

Even worse, UDOT was one of the supporters of increasing the speed limit to 80mph when their own “Zero Fatalities” program appears to contradict that position. Through June 21, 2021, 136 deaths had resulted from 114 crashes in Utah compared to 110 deaths and 101 crashes during the same time in 2020. Those who are abusing this situation need to be controlled, and UDOT needs to walk their “Zero Fatalities” talk and lobby for lower speeds.

While driving to Salt Lake City recently and sticking to the 80mph limit or slightly above, people were passing us like we were standing still. I would guess they were going at least 90 and maybe more. When people are on a freeway in the slow lane and need to pass someone who is going slower, they must have some assurance that someone approaching in the fast lane is not going 20 miles or more over the speed limit. In fact, we saw no troopers and certainly no one being stopped for their speeding.

The legislature missed the mark on this matter and has put all Utahns and others on our roads at great risk. Those who drive at excessive speeds may be reaching their destination more quickly, but at what danger to themselves and others. Selfishness is not what we need on our highways. Enforcement is.

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Lisa Rutherford
Originally from New Mexico, Lisa taught elementary school for several years in Texas after graduating from the University of Texas at El Paso before moving to Anchorage, Alaska, where she lived for 30 years and worked in the oil industry for 20 years. She has lived in Ivins for 21 years. Since 2006, Lisa has been involved with Conserve Southwest Utah, a local and grassroots conservation organization, as a board member and currently serves as an advisor. Lisa served on the Ivins Sensitive Lands Committee from 2008 to 2022, including serving as chairperson. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southwest Utah. Lisa wrote for The Spectrum’s Writers Group from 2010 until it was disbanded in 2015. Her writing focuses mainly on conservation issues to help raise the level of awareness in southern Utah. She and her companion Paul Van Dam, former Utah Attorney General, have been deeply involved in the Lake Powell Pipeline issue since 2008. She maintains a Southern Utah Issues Facebook page.


  1. Let’s get real. Lower the speed limit to 10 mph and have an attendant out in front of your car with a red flag that will warn all that you are coming. Take away the license if anyone is going over one mile over the speed limit. And execution on the second offense! Have all the cops give out warnings if your going over 5 mph and have them equipped with radar, vascar, and etc. Also make anyone going 8-10 mph and who are caught, fine them $10,000 and raise their insurance to $10,000 a month. Also, all pedestrians are to wear a bubble suit (like Bib, the Michelin Tire Man), in the event they are bumped, they won’t be injured. (Just joking, but where does it stop!)


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